Welcome to the Energy Blog

  • The Energy Blog is where all topics relating to The Energy Revolution are presented. Increasingly, expensive oil, coal and global warming are causing an energy revolution by requiring fossil fuels to be supplemented by alternative energy sources and by requiring changes in lifestyle. Please contact me with your comments and questions. Further Information about me can be found HERE.



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November 08, 2008



Welcome back, and remember your health comes first.


Hi Jim,
Nice to see you back. Best wishes from France.
Jean Demesure

Jeff S.

Happy to see you back. The best of wishes for your health. Look forward to the resurgence of The Energy Blog.

Albert Bezzina

I was unaware of your pleight Jim. Welcome back and wish you the best of health. I thought I had an electronic glitch which I cuold not resolve. Keep up the good work.

Dr Albert Bezzina, Malta EU.

Randolph Toom

Dear James,

I am glad you are doing better now. Welcome back with us, we love to read your articles. I am looking forward to visiting your blog on a regular basis again. Think of your health first, then about the rest of the world.

Best Regards

Randolph Toom
Paris , France


Glad to see you are back.

Don't knock yourself out trying to force out a daily post. Your health is the most important thing of all.

Prabhu MK

Welcome back, I was really missing your articles. Take care of your health. Get well soon and bombard me with new articles.

Prabhu M.K

Norman D.

I wondered what had happened to you. I went so far as to see if somehow your blog was being diverted to my spam file.

I'm certainly pleased you are on the mend. I look forward to receiving your articles again.

David Grenier

Glad to hear you're doing better.

Clifford J. Wirth, Ph.D.

Hey Jim,

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Come visit before it's too late, as in no air travel, which could come any year now.

According to most independent scientific studies, global oil production will now decline from 74 million barrels per day to 60 million barrels per day by 2015. During the same time demand will increase 9%.

No one can reverse this trend, nor can we conserve our way out of this catastrophe. Because the demand for oil is so high, it will always exceed production levels; thus oil depletion will continue steadily until all recoverable oil is extracted.

Alternatives will not even begin to fill the gap. And most alternatives yield electric power, but we need liquid fuels for tractors/combines, 18 wheel trucks, trains, ships, and mining equipment.

We are facing the collapse of the highways that depend on diesel trucks for maintenance of bridges, cleaning culverts to avoid road washouts, snow plowing, roadbed and surface repair. When the highways fail, so will the power grid, as highways carry the parts, transformers, steel for pylons, and high tension cables, all from far away. With the highways out, there will be no food coming in from "outside," and without the power grid virtually nothing works, including home heating, pumping of gasoline and diesel, airports, communications, and automated systems.

This is documented in a free 48 page report that can be downloaded, website posted, distributed, and emailed: http://www.peakoilassociates.com/POAnalysis.html

I used to live in NH-USA, but moved to a sustainable place. Anyone interested in relocating to a nice, pretty, sustainable area with a good climate and good soil? Email: clifford dot wirth at yahoo dot com or give me a phone call which operates here as my old USA-NH number 603-668-4207. http://survivingpeakoil.blogspot.com/

Clifford J. Wirth, Ph.D.

Hey Jim,

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Come visit before it's too late, as in no air travel, which could come any year now.

According to most independent scientific studies, global oil production will now decline from 74 million barrels per day to 60 million barrels per day by 2015. During the same time demand will increase 9%.

No one can reverse this trend, nor can we conserve our way out of this catastrophe. Because the demand for oil is so high, it will always exceed production levels; thus oil depletion will continue steadily until all recoverable oil is extracted.

Alternatives will not even begin to fill the gap. And most alternatives yield electric power, but we need liquid fuels for tractors/combines, 18 wheel trucks, trains, ships, and mining equipment.

We are facing the collapse of the highways that depend on diesel trucks for maintenance of bridges, cleaning culverts to avoid road washouts, snow plowing, roadbed and surface repair. When the highways fail, so will the power grid, as highways carry the parts, transformers, steel for pylons, and high tension cables, all from far away. With the highways out, there will be no food coming in from "outside," and without the power grid virtually nothing works, including home heating, pumping of gasoline and diesel, airports, communications, and automated systems.

This is documented in a free 48 page report that can be downloaded, website posted, distributed, and emailed: http://www.peakoilassociates.com/POAnalysis.html

I used to live in NH-USA, but moved to a sustainable place. Anyone interested in relocating to a nice, pretty, sustainable area with a good climate and good soil? Email: clifford dot wirth at yahoo dot com or give me a phone call which operates here as my old USA-NH number 603-668-4207. http://survivingpeakoil.blogspot.com/


Welcome back, we have missed you. We all look forward to your insightful comments.


I can attest that chronic illness sucks big time. Can't do The Energy Blog? To quote Feynman, "You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish."

Robert G. Schreib Jr.

Sorry to hear you were sick! If the work of making this blog is too much, consider making it a bi-weekly bulletin? Or some such scheduling that won't cut into your time so much.

Damon Hart-Davis

Glad to have you back! Couldn't bear to purge you from my list of sites to watch...



step back

Welcome back! Yours was a daily read for me & I feared the worst had happened to you. All your faithful readers look forward to the great energy posts like in the past. Thanks for staying alive and returning to the blogosphere.

Steven Earl Salmony

Good news, Jim. Glad you are back in action. For more good news, consider the outcome of the US elections ...........

With the election of Barack Obama, a new and better day is surely dawning for the family of humanity. We have good reasons to be hopeful. The agonizing throes of the severe and colossal storm we have endured in the past several years have produced an unexpected outcome. The air is being cleansed and the dark clouds that had been gathering on the horizon are being blown away.

Al Gore has reminded all of us that now is the time for intellectual honesty and moral courage as necessary attributes for responding ably to the human-driven global challenges which are looming ominously before humankind. As the horrendous, once in a century storm is being swept away by benevolent winds of change, perhaps we will see that honest and courageous activities of many people will begin to replace cascading, self-interested behavior of a few misguided, greedy people who have been willing to do whatsoever is politically convenient, economically expedient and socially fashionable... come what may for our children.

Perhaps sufficiently reality-oriented changes in policymaking and action planning, changes that protect biodiversity from mass extinction, prevent more wanton environmental degradation and preserve Earth's body from relentless dissipation as well as the children from endangerment, are in the offing.

Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population,
established 2001

Ellen Anderson

I first learned of peak oil from your blog. I have been really wondering what happened and finally subscribed to your feed just in case you should return as I had stopped checking in. What a nice surprise!

True Spew

Just found this site tonight. Very informative! The Pickens Plan is just one of many political topics that I cover in my own blog. I look forward to learning more about alternative fuels as I catch up on all your older entries and check out the links.


Glad to hear you are feeling better. Your's was the energy blog for those of us who liked the discussion to be mainly about technical issues. I hope you can avoid any unpleasantries in the future, please don't stay up too late readying posts. If it would help having one or more assistant contributors, just ask, I'm sure several of us would volunteer.

Small business accountants

Glad to see you back. Energy and energy savings related topic gives me more excitement towards subject. I dream to look whole world a green world.



Thank God let you come back to see us.

Paulo Pereirinha, Portugal

Hello Jim. I have forwarded several of your posts in the past, to some colleagues, and this blog is an important source of information. I am glad that you are better now and back to work, but do not work too much! Perhaps you could find someone to help you!


Welcome back! You were much missed by many. What this reader has found most interesting in your blog to date has been your work gathering the links to information about Energy. Then comments from yourself and the educated readers on them. You could accomplish the vast majority of what you used to do by simply posting a short pithy bit with a link to the Energy news you find interesting. Readers could still discuss them, and you could post your own lengthier thoughts as you feel able. Just a thought!

Anne Noble

Glad to see you back!!!!!!


Paul Cummings

What a pleasant surprise when I wandered over here today, to see if you had returned! Let me add my 'welcome back' to the others- and as much as I have enjoyed your work here, as others have said, don't feel obligatd to continue if your health is in any way compromised. That said, I hope we can continue to enjoy your most excellent web site;-)


It's a great pleasure to hear of your recovery. Your blog has been so informative and your attempts to be balanced are appreciated.

Mark Landin

Glad to see you are back, Jim. I missed your contributions! I second the suggestion of having additional editors (of your choosing, of course) to ease the burden on you.


Welcome back! I hope that you continue to feel better, and keep balance in your life.

Mark R.

Glad to hear you're doing better Jim. You were missed!

Denis Poussart

So glad to see you back. Warm wishes from Canada!


Hope you have recovered fully. The Enegry Blog is a great source of information.

Kevin R.

Glad to hear you are doing better and will get back to blogging. I continued to check the blog weekly in hopes of your return. Welcome back!

Mark CR UK

Glad to find out what happened Jim, and that reports of your demise were grossly exaggerated...

Needless to say despite your absence I've kept your RSS feed active in the hope of your return, and due to the fact I now work in the renewable energy/fuels industry, your insights and coverage of issues I've found very insightful.

A post a day, even if its a shortened version without your usual intricate detail, i.e. introductions into what you've been reading/things of interest would be sufficient.

Let the commentators drive the debate from there?

A shortened abstract most days with your usual quality 3 times a week would be brilliant, and hopefully would be a low enough workload for you.

Anyway. Like a phoenix the Energy Blog is back !!!!


don't listen to these wimps, Blogger...you have a responsibility to mankind to share your knowledge, even at the cost of your personal well-being!

Seriously. Glad to have your insights back where we can see them and hoping that knowing we appreciate them will help you get up in the morning (or late afternoon, if that is your preference)


Welcome back, I look forward to reading your posts once again...


Jim, Welcome back! Glad to here you are well again! I've missed your postings. The energy revolution has been progressing rapidly in your absense. Take it easy catching up and please give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for the excellent contribution you have already made.
Mike Shurtleff


Jim, Welcome back! Glad you are feeling better! I missed the updates while you were under the weather.

John Connerton

Welcome back! You were missed greatly.
John in Frisco, TX

Jack Kalpakian


Welcome back. I am glad to read this blog again. Best wishes with your health.

Brad F

Glad to have you back.

Big Gav

Sorry to hear you've been ill and glad to see you back.

I had thought this blog had shut down for good - glad to see I was wrong.

Rick L.

So happy to hear from you, just like old times again on the blog. Hope you continue to feel better and I can't wait to hear your great points and views again. Thanks a bunch, Rick L.

Krispijn Beek

Glad to see you back!

And don't stress to much. Your blog is an excellent source for information, but your health is more important!

Cyril R.

What a relief to hear you're ok! Now that the energy revolution is gaining more momentum, we need you here with us. Take care!


I am glad to hear that you are doing well.

Thank you for your work here.


Welcome back!
I was a little worried for you, so this is very pleasant.
Don't knock yourself out!


Welcome back Jim! Less frequent articles won't stop you, we will help fill in with lots of bull s^&%, hehey.

Let's have an energy RE-EVOLUTION!!

Jim Holm

Glad to see you back. Couldn't delete your URL. I was out of service several months in 2008 also. Take it easy.

Mr. P.

I hope you are feeling well; take care of yourself. Your articles are very informative and insightful.

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