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  • The Energy Blog is where all topics relating to The Energy Revolution are presented. Increasingly, expensive oil, coal and global warming are causing an energy revolution by requiring fossil fuels to be supplemented by alternative energy sources and by requiring changes in lifestyle. Please contact me with your comments and questions. Further Information about me can be found HERE.



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November 24, 2008


Cyril R.

Hi Jim from the energy blog, do you think you could list the comments in one long row rather than having to click to the next page? Just like in the old days...

It's better overview to have all the comments on one page. Can you change that, or is it a typepad default?

Derek D

"The C3 process is expected to be competitive with gasoline..." With the price of gas now below $1.70/gal locally this has got to be a much harder sell than it was a couple months ago. For people to invest in this technology the government is going to have to set a floor for the price of imported oil so people have some assurance of a market. If investors knew that the price of imported oil would not go below say $60/barrel there would be a lot more private money in these types of projects. And with government ownership of private companies suddenly all the rage we could let the oil industry invest the difference between market price and the gavernment set floor price in any renewables they like with government getting a 50% stake.


Qteros? What, were all the other company names taken?


I wonder if they thought that having "ethanol" in the name was a downside.



"droping subsidies on ethanol"?? Hardly likely. To get elected POTUS, one MUST wave the ethanol flag and this is why Iowa is usually the first stop for a presidential candidate. Grain ethanol's subsidy may decrease, but it will never be eliminated. I also predict the government (viz., lobbyists) will ask for a bigger subsidy for cellulosic ethanol to speed up commercialization, probably $1-1.50 per gallon, which is in the same ball-park as the biodiesel subsidy.

Bob Wallace

Historically cheap gas? Enjoy it while you can.

When oil got up over $120 per barrel don't you think every marginal well was brought back into service? Every rust bucket of a tanker that could hold more fuel than it burned on a delivery was set to sea?

Supply got cranked to max and then demand crashed. Lots of surplus product was ordered and now is being delivered. No place to store it, so sell some quick.

We're in a anti-bubble. Watch for the pop in a couple of months or so....


Bob Wallace: I'm in complete agreement with your logic. But, I think the timescale for the popping of the anti-bubble is a bit longer. I would guess 6months to two years. Remember the old saying, "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent". I think it applies here. The anti-bubble price dip will likely last long enough to do real damage to production, alternatives, and conservation.

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If the Chileans can switch yuo ethanol so can the US.


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I don't understand why people are spending millions and moving mountains to try to achieve cellulosic ethanol.

After all, methanol can already be produced from any organic material, including switchgrass or anything else, including sewage or coal, TODAY, with NO FURTHER RESEARCH needed.

Unfortunately, other than a fleet of Ford metanol cars, and then methanol-compatible flex fuel vehicles in the 80s, most alcohol fuel cars are ethanol only.

This needs to stop. Any alcohol car than can run methanol can run ethanol too, and all other alcohol fuels to boot (propanol, butanol, etc.) So we need to demand, through law, that all flex fuel cars include methanol.

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i am not sure if ethanol is going anywhere.


I've read about how some biofuels, such those derived from jathropa, though renewable, can put out some pretty large quantities of co2. Anyone know of some good sources for reference, and any ideas on Qteros' numbers?


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these companies are so full of money..they can buy anything.

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Qteros - sounds awfull in french !


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john s.

ethanol is nice because it allows you to have something other than fossil fuels to burn, saving you money in a possible long term outlook. the problem is, ethanol is not that much cleaner, and it basically rapes the farming community unless you are huge. we already have too much corn: it's used in just about everything these days. i like the idea of alternative fuels, but the focus should be broadened to other, cleaner energies.

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Hopefully all of the money these companies have gets spent in the right places and helps towards funding renewable energy experiments and resources.

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Keep it coming I am enjoying more and more of your post keep up the good work.

Henry Gibson

Ethanol itself is a food. A third of a cup of ethanol daily, diluted in lots of water would be a useful caloric addition to many people's energy. To get a few vitamins and minerals as well in their diet, they can eat mud and chew tree leaves as they are now doing because of the high price of oil and food caused by petro-speculators ..HG..

Fergal Tully

Does the implementation of the C3 Process work on current prices of oil? If it is economically viable at today's prices this model would become ever more profitable as time goes on. Already we see signs in the markets of the global economy is pulling out of recession which means that the price of oil has more than likely bottomed out at $70 per barrel.

The potential for this is immense.

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Currently, throughout the industry, the largest cost components are the feedstock and the enzymes used for the bioconversion. The Complete Cellulose Conversion (C3) process (formerly the Q process) can use very low cost feedstocks and does not use any enzymes. With only one-step of bioconversion, the C3 process is much more efficient—and less costly—than other conversions now in use. Its Q Microbe™ simplifies the process,

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well, $25 million for microbes who will produce ethanol... is there really a market ?

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this microbe is good or bad, sorry I did not understood!


we see signs in the markets of the global economy is pulling out of recession which means that the price of oil has more than likely bottomed out at $70 per barrel.

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Companies changing processes , methods , name and structure in order to present different image catering target audiences .

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Already we see signs in the markets of the global economy is pulling out of recession which means that the price of oil has more than likely bottomed out at $70 per barrel.

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To get a few vitamins and minerals as well in their diet, they can eat mud and chew tree leaves as they are now doing because of the high price of oil and food caused by petro-speculators ..HG..

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As Qteros gains scale-up knowledge from the successful operation of pilot and demonstration plants, they expect to further reduce costs.

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