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« GM will use Lithium-ion Batteries with its "Mild" Hybrid Drivetrains | Main | GM, Toyota Dismiss Fuel Cells for Mass Use »

March 06, 2008


George Bruce

As a marketing matter, I think they need a better name than "ox" at least for the English speaking markets.


Bad power/weight ratio. Too heavy.


Alex: It sounds like you would be a potential customer for the "sports" version, which it claims will have higher performance (and you can bet a higher price tag).

Don B.

Yeah! Why Ox?! "Ox" is something you would name a small truck or utility vehicle. Does the vehicle (minus batteries) weigh 1150kg due to safety devices...or are the recyclable materials heavier than "normal" production stock?

Don B.

monte lamer

I love the name Ox. It wasn't long ago when every family had their own ox that was the beast of burden. Transport,food, wool, and tilling the field. A good provider the Ox. Butter, Milk, and Cheese. Perhaps the todays ox will be the new beast of burden. Simple and close to the earth. How lovely! I want an Ox. I also think the manufacturer should make a deal with and American Auto company like Ford or Chev to use an American factory to begin a North American assembly line. Sincerely



Sorry bigTom I ride bikes only.


Zap vehicles run on electricity, release 98% fewer pollutants than gas cars and require NO GAS or oil changes! Good option, help the environment


Green energy is definitely the best solution in most cases. Technology like solar energy, wind power, fuel cells, zaps electric vehicles, EV hybrids, etc have come so far recently. Green energy even costs way less than oil and gas in many cases.


Green energy is definitely the best solution in most cases. Technology like solar energy, wind power, fuel cells, zaps electric vehicles, EV hybrids, etc have come so far recently. Green energy even costs way less than oil and gas in many cases.

Lloyd Weaver

I agree with George Bruce above, too heavy. And are those batteries as recyclable as lead acid? Weight = price, which looks like too high up for the average person.
How about this spec: An EV with 226 MPGe diesel fuel equivalent, 4 passenger high-streamlined composite construction, powered by 24 KW lead acid (100% recyclable) battery pack. Should cruise about 260 miles at 60 MPH with driver only (80% battery pack conversion factor). Calculations also show 0-60 in 8.2 seconds (driver only), 11% slope at 45 mph, top speed 120 mph. Cost per mile including 93,000-mile battery replacement is 2.89 cents/mile at 15 cents per KWH (assumes 85% charging efficiency). Battery replacement about 93,000 miles, about 358 charge cycles per batter pack using 12V deep cycle batteries. I know I want one. For more info call Lloyd at 1.207.721.9949.


Great looking vehicle and if it can actually have that optional battery pack, that range of 450 kms is awesome! I really think that electric vehicles are the transport for the future and it seems that more and more auto manufacturers round the world are realizing this.

Auto Transport

5 passenger? That seems like way too many for that small car.

oilfield equipment

i agree with this last comment. wow 5 people in this car.

Auto Transport

So how does the TH!NK compare to the Prius or Chevy Volt?


Green energy is definitely the best solution in most cases.


Your articles is sublim. I like reading you. Keep on! Thanks to go green energy: http://www.windpowercost.org


Green energy will be more and more popular,I have a dream to own a car like this.


It seems like the landscape for auto transportation is rapidly changing. We are entering an age where we don’t have to rely on gas as a tool of transportation. Soon gas powered vehicles will become obsolete, and people will only use electric powered cars and trucks as their primary form of transportation.

Lead Acid Battery

I second that, i'd love to own a practical green car.

truck rental

Stylish Vehicle ! The name OX is stylish and easy to pronounce. I love its name . More Over, The OX is looking one of the trendy car. I hope it will get lot of customers. How energy it will consume ? What is its average ?

Red Wine

Consumption of ethanol - the type of alcohol present in alcoholic beverages - in small doses has been linked to several health benefits such as lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. In a study conducted by the Danish Epidemiology Science Center at...

Bicycle Headlights

Well now, I was searching for blogs on fitness or health when i came across this post. Although not exactly what I was expecting I will give it ****.

Android Tablet PCs

I love the name Ox. It wasn't long ago when every family had their own ox that was the beast of burden. Transport,food, wool, and tilling the field.Android Tablets A good provider the Ox. Butter, Milk, and Cheese. Perhaps the todays ox will be the new beast of burden. Simple and close to the earth. How lovely! I want an Ox. I also think the manufacturer should make a deal with and American Auto company like Ford or Chev to use an American Android Phone factory to begin a North American assembly line. 2945abc45 0422 Sincerely

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a North American assembly line. 2945abc45 0422 Sincerely

Filipino Car Lease Broker Los Angeles

I'd buy that car!

Dentist Hollywood

I like that is has 5 seats and is electric, not bad looking either.

Air Purifier

I like that is has 5 seats and is electric, not bad looking either.

Rug Cleaning Los Angeles

Who knew that Norway was so awesome? Glad to have Norwegian blood in me. :)

Therapist New york

It's 2011, is this around? I would purchase one of these.

fish tv

So this is already available in Norway and is it now being driven in Europe? When will it make it to the US??

Tours in Venice

Looks like an auto show that I would go to.

Furniture Stores in Los Angeles

By now they must have taken over Norway! I'd love to visit Oslo and rent one.

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Batteries/Hybrid Vehicles