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February 12, 2008



Any thoughts on the concept that Cellulosic tech and Coal-to-Liquids tech is one in the same?


Paul F. Dietz

Any thoughts on the concept that Cellulosic tech and Coal-to-Liquids tech is one in the same?

Well, some cellulosic technologies are similar (the ones that gasify the biomass). This one isn't really, since the (hemi)cellulose is bioprocessed, not gasified. And biomass gasification is not quite the same as coal gasification, due to differences in the mineral contents. As I understand it, the slag from biomass gasification is more corrosive.


can this technology be used for processing rice husk into biogas?

Kit P

About 20 years ago there was a power plant in the northern Sacramento Valley that used rice hulls as fuel. I heard they had issues with silica plating out on boiler tubes.


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Hey how’s it going?

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Hey how’s it going?

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Hey how’s it going?

If you are interested in looking at big companies supply agreements you can find a bunch of them for free at RealDealDocs.com. Check out these supply agreements



Hey how’s it going?

If you are interested in looking at big companies supply agreements you can find a bunch of them for free at RealDealDocs.com. Check out these supply agreements



Thank you, it's been very interestingly.

parking sensors

How cool that they are able to make trees grow larger! Such neat stuff.

Car Lease Los Angeles

What city is this Oregon Albus tree farm located in? I have a lot of friends from Oregon.

Furniture Stores in Los Angeles

50% more ethanol is an amazing number, that's great they figured out how to do this.

Dentist West Hollywood

30% over 20 years is great, hopefully they can keep it up.

Microsoft Office

The new President will have to embrace this exact plan if the United States is to avoid economic catastrophe.

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