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January 26, 2008


Al Fin

Mostly par for the course. What is interesting is how the peak oil sites are reacting to these scenarios. They mostly see it all crashing down, without the sunny outlook of renewables and/or nuclear coming along to save the day.

I applaud the optimistic outlook of this blog, Jim. That is truly the only way to solve problems, by assuming they are solvable. Otherwise, all the doomseeking becomes self-fulfilling.

Steven Carew

Unfortunately this man is correct, with variables. No one knows what technology will come to lite in the next few years. I seriously question the time frame of 2050. It is my belief that we do not have that long. As more and more articles claim that sceintists are shocked by the fact that their projections are falling far short of the actuallity, and yet still keep the 2050 time frame, I am lead to believe that a more acurate time frome will be 2025.
Non of this has to happen. there are technologies out there including my own which could impact global warming as slowly or as fast as we wish. The problem is we are considered as the nuts of the world and dismissed,no matter how good our technologies are. Why? Because we do not fall into the capitalise scheme of things. Remember we as humans are prone to pick the worst part rather than the best. Think I am wrong then you answer why it has taken the guy from Texas some twenty plus years to get a patent on a machine, no matter how ungainly, that actually works to produce energy from very little input. It is so easy to discredit others, if you are an organization that has other interests and by the public is considered to credibility. MY next e-mail is going to the CEO whom wrote this aricle. Does anybody want to bet on wheather I get a reply?
Steve Carew


Ok Steve - I'll bite. What ya got that's so great?


You can discover what Steven Carew "has got" by visiting the website for Rhino Hydro. There are a few "update" items there, dated 2004.

But, the essence of Steve's invention is described under the "technical" menu selection, as follows:

"This electro generating plant employs magnets and springs to help create a perpetual motion which drives a generator. Thus giving you the electricity you need."

Get the picture, Jason? Hard to imagine Steve can't get funding . . .


Scramble = free market solution
Blueprints = Big Government solution

Isn't the ethanol monster a product of Blueprints?


Keep the motivation of this plan in mind. It's about what's best for Shell, not what's best for Humanity. Oil companies have always been about control of the oil market and maximzing profits. They now are about control of the whole energy market. That's why they now call themselves Energy Companies.

The answer to clean abundant energy for the whole world is not nuclear, wind, waves, coal, gas, or oil; these form of generation are but experiments and at the best interim solutions. The answer is devices that absorb solar light and heat energy and turn it into storable forms of energy. These energy devices disturb the environment, including the atmosphere, the least.

See the following: http://www.motherearthnews.com/uploadedFiles/articles/issues/2007-12-01/RenewableEnergy.pdf

and/or the following:



Aren't we luckly there are good companies run by decent people that provide us with fine products and services, including energy. If companies were turned over to some of the kooks on this blog, they would soon crash along with our good quality of life...haha. JohnBo


If Rhino Hydro was so great, these devices would be selling like hotcakes. In there Updates section, there last update was 2004. If you try to submit a request or get on the mailing list, the webpage fails.

If you were a wealthy man and this company needed funding, and based on the idea, wouldn't you invest in it. You would be the next Bill Gates.

This thing probably rates up there with the Ron Newman invention/scam. Newman is a complete fake and scam artist from what I've read about him.


I should be interesting to note.

The DOE just yanked their support out of their "FutureGen" carbon sequestration project.


With good reason too.


The statement should serve as a wake-up call to all of us about the state of our energy future. The National Hydrogen Association, of which Shell is a member, has witnessed great progress as the company invests heavily in alternatives energy solutions, including hydrogen. As the world seeks alternatives to oil and petroleum, Shell, along with other energy companies, is working with governments, companies and researchers around the world to create a global hydrogen infrastructure. Shell recently opened hydrogen filling stations in New York and Florida, and has others in various development stages, in order to help support the activities from automotive industry such as General Motors’ Project Driveway and Honda’s launch of the FCX Clarity in Southern California.

Our energy future demands continued leadership from industry and government as they continue to invest in hydrogen infrastructure activities today for the mutual benefit of having a global hydrogen economy tomorrow.


In response to all you naysayers. You would have been right up there proclaiming the world is flat. I know this seems too good to be true, I know it could sound like a scam. If it is a scam then why have I taken no money from the people whom are interested in buying? As far as selling like hot cakes how does 2500 purchasers in a four month unadvertised web site sound. The site was set up to guage real monitary interest. Speaking of which, if you put up the last amount of money to build a proper production prototype I would be happy to show you the technology used in this device which by the way is about 2000 years old.
Steve Carew

Jay Draiman, Energy Analyst

“Can the energy crises be overcome?” – I say yes!

I think that the public, the government and corporate America should treat these energy crises as a danger to our way of life.

During World War II, the America we know unified in a common cause. Everyone rolled their sleeves to chip in and Americans produced an enormous amount of hardware for the war effort. “I see a solution within 36 months”.

If we as a nation can really appreciate and understand the severity and enormity of the energy crises, the catastrophic impact on our economic stability and civilization,
we must unite and do whatever is necessary to produce other forms of energy and overcome this energy and economic crises “by putting all politics and egos aside and look for the good of our nation”.

Jay Draiman, Northridge, CA

Soaring gas prices, record oil company profits, unsustainable trade deficits, soldiers dying in Iraq’s deserts and catastrophic climate change— conservative energy policy is running us toward ruin. We urgently need to stop subsidizing dirty fossil fuels and start investing in a clean energy economy. In 1961, President Kennedy challenged us to send a man to the moon within a decade and launched the Apollo plan to make it happen. Now we need a similar vision—an Apollo initiative for energy independence, mobilizing science and technology and investing in energy efficiency and alternative energy.
The benefits are immense. We can create jobs, capture growing global green energy markets, eliminate our dependence on Persian Gulf oil, reduce our trade deficit, improve our children’s health and end the catastrophic threat of global warming. It’s time to act.
“Determination and perseverance will bring your goal to fruition” – never give-up

Solar Solutions

Hard to believe that we have not been able to come up with a workable, sustainable clean energy source yet to completely substitute for oil, with all the technological advances we've had over the last 100 years.

Android Tablet PCs

You can discover what Steven Carew "has got" by visiting wholesale the website for Rhino Hydro. There are a few "update" items there, dated 2004.

But, the essence of Steve's invention is described under the "technical" menu selection, as follows:

"This electro generating plant employs magnets and springs to help create a perpetual motion which hiphone drives a generator. Thus giving you the electricity you need."

Get the picture, Jason? Hard to imagine Steve can't get funding . . .2945abc45 0422

mujeres rusas

In response to all you naysayers. You would have been right up there proclaiming the world is flat. I know this seems too good to be true, I know it could sound like a scam.


Isto mesmo é uma maravilha tenis oakley e tambem este tenis nike ate mais.

Chinese Auto Lease Broker Los Angeles

I hope the outcome of the future of energy is a positive one! That's all we can hope for....

Dentist Los Angeles

I am glad that Shell is so aware of all of this information.

Microsoft Office 2010

The new President will have to embrace this exact plan if the United States is to avoid economic catastrophe.

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