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January 27, 2008



While disturbing in its own right, this is not a reason to panic. Total contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica, and Greenland is estimated to be 1mm per year. Total sea level rise is now something like 4-5mm, so the contribution from the ice is not catastrophic. Ice loss would have to increase by a factor of five (not unlikely) before we reach the 1M/century rate. The bulk of sea level rise is still caused by thermal expansion, as the oceans gradually warm.

Simon D

The result is alarming not because of the amount of ice that melted last year, but because it may - may - indicate that ice loss is accelerating.

Al Fin

Recent discoveries of volcanic activity under the Antarctic Peninsula suggest another possible reason for melting on that promontory.

There are huge regions in the bulk of Antarctica where ice is accumulating at an unprecedented pace. You win some, you lose some.

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Very scary thought and situation.

Nick Matyas

Very Nice posting. I liked your work. Keep up the good work. Good Luck.


Very Nice posting. I liked it

Nick Matyas

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i like this part of the blog:". . . the losses, which were primarily concentrated in West Antarctica’s Pine Island Bay sector and the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, are caused by ongoing and past acceleration of glaciers into the sea. This is mostly a result of warmer ocean waters, which bathe the buttressing floating sections of glaciers, causing them to thin or collapse." is very good


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Crazily astounding! Wow…you simply are amazing at narration dude. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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Wow, this is scary information.

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Goodness, 75% in the last 10 years??

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The new President will have to embrace this exact plan if the United States is to avoid economic catastrophe.

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