The ran the following post:
The world needs to build 30 nuclear power stations and the equivalent of two Three Gorges dams every year to prevent dangerous climate change, the International Energy Agency has said.
It also needs to build 13,000 wind turbines and 40 coal and gas power stations fitted with carbon capture and storage technology each year between 2013 and 2030, the head of the Agency told the climate change conference in Bali.
. . . an £11 trillion investment in alternative electricity generation technology was needed to meet the target of more than halving atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide by 2050. . . . More
This reminds me of the approach of the power industry and its cronies in Ontario - "Power needs will continue to rise as before with a population which will continue to increase as before."
Both assumptions are false, as we switch to CFL and LED lighting, upgrade to Energy Star appliances, use less water, use passive solar, use more co-generation, etc. and populations all over the world begin to stabilize and even begin to decline in most industrial countries.
It strikes me these are scare tactics used to promote the nuclear industry, usually at the expense of renewables. They say, sure, we'll spend a bit on renewables, but the vast majority of investment needs to go into nukes, immediately.
Posted by: Buddy Ebsen | December 13, 2007 at 10:13 AM
And ... let me guess. You believe government subsidizes the nuclear industry, and members of the IEA, an agency that lives entirely by subsidy from several governments, are pushing nuclear energy because they dislike money.
Posted by: G.R.L. Cowan, hydrogen-to-boron convert | December 13, 2007 at 12:58 PM
How much do you have to invest in a poer grid. Well , i wonder how much governmnets have to spend on it and moreover they are subsidizing things along.
Posted by: online loan calculators | December 17, 2007 at 02:10 PM
11 trillion pounds equals about 22 trillion dollars. This amount of money equals 74,250,000 killowatts of power without any pollution whatsoever with my new power source. However it would mean no more coal, nuclear, deisel, and or any other source of pollution. This presents a problem, not the lack of pollution but the lack of industry that creates our power today.
Posted by: Steven Carew | January 30, 2008 at 07:59 PM
I must make a correction to my earlier blog where I use the figure of 74,250,000 killowatts per 22 tillion dollars spent. This figure should have been 74,250,000,000 killowatts every second of every day
Posted by: Steven Carew | January 31, 2008 at 05:49 PM
Steven, how is Omaha treating you these days?
Posted by: Charlie | February 27, 2008 at 02:26 PM
These all sound pretty the long run it will help us all.
Posted by: auto lease broker los angeles | December 30, 2011 at 06:21 PM
Amazing, I hope they were successful in reducing CO2 emissions!
Posted by: Air Purifier | December 30, 2011 at 06:30 PM
Very interesting article, has any effort been made to make this a reality?
Posted by: parking sensors | December 30, 2011 at 06:33 PM
How many nuclear stations do we have already in the world?
Posted by: beverage marketing | January 06, 2012 at 03:57 PM