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December 11, 2007



This smells like marketing. In most parts of the world, driving a manual is no big deal. Only Americans seem to have problems with the concept. Although if you actually *try* and find a car with a manual, you will have a hard time. In many cases the manufacturers assume that people don't want the manual, so they don't ship them to dealers, which forces buyers to take the automatic, which reinforces the perception that Americans won't drive a manual.

Frank FFT Fuel-Saver

Wow It is about time! An efficient and fuel saving option for the rest of us. I can't wait to get one. Up until now one would have to spend over 30k to get this in an Audi TT. Thants over my budget.

The 13% fuel savings only makes this even sweeter.


Still quite a few moving parts compared to an all-electric drive-train!


Yeh, my optimistic reaction was "too little too late" as I am hopeful developing countries will embrace all-electric cars for many reasons including air pollution and peak oil. Of course, prestige factors of a developing middle to upper middle class in developing countries may drive demand for traditional gas powered status symbols, giving this product a potential return on the R&D investment. Watch for the marketing, advertising and branding efforts to ramp up.


Actually, a simple and inexpensive transmission woud be very useful to electics that aren't direct drive. Two or three speed would be good enough however.

I would definately consider it for my 3 wheel EV design.


Audi / VW has had a transmission like this for 5 years now... How in the world could it take them so long to catch up.

The DSG, now called Sport-tronic or Sportronic, is a dual clutch transmission. In doing a bit of research, the DSG is superior in one very important way [to me]... world's fastest shifting transmission in a production car.

I've now owned 3 vehicles with this transmission and can attest to the absolutely beauty of it.

Now I'll just wait for the 7-speed version that's coming out early 2008.

Cyril R.

How does this compare to a CVT?











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That is light! I wonder if it can hold the whole machine.

“Engine & Transmission World”

I really interested to your post. It is really impressive. You gave me a lot of information about it.

“Engine and Transmission World”

CGS Motorsports

Who said that cars won't be as tiny as a microchip? The evolution of innovations in cars is slowly giving way to this concept.

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honda lease los angeles

Very interesting ! I've never seen a dual clutch like that before.

md Mahabub

Are you looking for a replacement of your old engine or transmission? Engine and Transmission World

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