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October 16, 2007



My sceptical light is flashing brightly on this one. This looks a lot like throttle body injection, which GM was using 15 to 20 years ago. The main difference I see is a pintle throttle valve rather than a more conventional throttle plate. This would give more uniform air flow, especially at low flow. Using one PRV system per cylinder could allow higher power and torque compared a single throttle body injector ahead of a manifold (as GM did it), but I don't know that this would improve part-throttle efficiency.

This could be a "straw man" set-up. The original fuel system met all the emissions regulations. A system that runs lean (rather than exact fuel-air ratio like the original system) will give better efficiency, but also produces high oxides of nitrogen (NOx). NOx is hard for a catalytic converter to clean up in the presence of excess oxygen (lean condition). So the story is incomplete without some discussion of emissions.


I'm skeptical too. The mileage given (39 city, 49 highway) is comparable to the 2008 Civic hybrid (40 city, 45 highway according to fueleconomy.gov). It's hard to believe that a simple induction change would trump all of the engine and energy recovery features in a late model Civic.

Garko Novis

buying gas has become a major investment decision, as in "do i invest in some food so i can get thru the day or some gas so i can get where i have to go?" It should never be this way but it is. But that doesn't mean we have to just suffer. There is a real solution in Water4Gas and you owe it to yourself to check it out! http://w4g4mpg.info

Carlos Barrera

Tip Info / New Technology Submission - Gearturbine - Atypical


YouTube Video; Atypical New * GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic

GEARTURBINE -Atypical Combustion Turbine Engine, -State of the Art, -New Thermodynamic Technology, -With Retrodynamic "Dextrogiro vs Levogiro" Effect, is when the inflow direction moves is against of the circular rotary dynamic, RPM Rotor Move VS Inflow Conduits Way, making in a simple way a very strong concept of power thrust, a unique technical cuality. -Non Waste, parasitic losses form-function engine system for; cooling, lubrication & combustion; -Lubrication & Combustion inside a conduit radial position, out way direction, activated by centrifugal force (centrpetal to in), -Cooling in & out; In by Thermomix flow & Out by air Thermo transference, activated by the dynamic rotary move, -Increase the first compresion by going of reduction of one big circunference fan blades going to, -2two very long distance cautive compression inflow propulsion conduits (like a digestive system) (long interaction) in perfect equilibrium well balanced start were end like a snake bite his own tale, -Inside active rotor with 4 pairs of retrodynamic turbos (complete regeneration power system), -Mechanical direct "Planetary Gear" power thrust like a Ying Yang (very strong torque) (friendly loose friction) 2two small gears in polar position inside a bigger shell gear, wide out the rotor circunference were have much more lever power thrust, lower RPM in a simple way solution for turbines, to make posible for a some new work aplication (land). -3 Stages of inflow turbo compression before the combustion. -3 points united of power thrust; 1- Rocket Flames, 2-Planetary Gear & 3-Exhaust Propulson, all in one system. -Combustion 2two continue circular moving inside rocket Flames, like two dragons trying to bite the tail of the opposite other. -Hybrid flow system diferent kind of aerolasticity thermoplastic inflow propulsion types; single, action & reaction turbines applied in one same system, -Military benefits, No blade erosion by sand & very low caloric target profile. -Power thrust by barr (tube); air sea land & generation aplication, -With the unique retrodynamic technical cuality of "dextrogiro vs levogiro" effect is when the inside flow moves against of the rotor moves making a very strong concept, RPM Rotor Move VS Inflow Conduits Way (an a example is like to move the head to the side of the strike ponch) -A pretender of very high % efficient power plant looking to make posible a cheap electrolysis. -Patent; Dic 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187

evaporative emissions testing

PRV Performance which replaces the intake manifold on an engine and provides throttling, fuel injection and homogeneous mixing of the air and fuel at each cylinder. The system has demonstrated fuel...

Engine Additive

Thanks for the sharing of such information we will pass it on to our readers.This is a great reading.
Thanking you Nice post.

CGS Motorsports

While reduced engine noise is of benefit to you, it comes from an intake tube with multiple turns and bends. The result is a drop in the volume of air delivered to the combustion chamber. And, because your stock intake system completely confines the air box in your engine compartment, the air is usually hot when taken in. This combination of limited and warmer air causes fuel-rich combustion mixtures that don't burn at maximum power efficiency.

CGS intake

Everything is improved. Not to mention it's also environment friendly.

r4 card

PRV Performance which replaces the intake manifold on an engine and provides throttling, fuel injection and homogeneous mixing of the air and fuel at each cylinder.

Chevy HHR cold air intake

It is good that they have developed something like this. The innovative mixture preparation is particularly advantageous for ethanol fueled engines.

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