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October 12, 2007


dermot ryann

"The whole world hangs in the balance".

These were the momentous words of the the US Secretary of State. They were not said of the scenario which faces Obama.

George Marshall was speaking in 1947. The Marshall Plan tilted that balance by gaining a transfer of 1,300$ billion in today's money that saved devastated starving Europe

This was the first miraculous change of my lifetime, Obama's election was the second. The solution for Oil exhaustion, climate collapse and terrorist threat, even ultimately nuclear terrorist threat, requires a third change, this time in our hearts and minds.

Vast tracts of land are presently unused or under producing. We could create an economic engine harnessed to pulling us out of recession, significantly stemming climate change, creating vast new sources of renewable energy and reflecting the Obama's battle cry of 'hope'.

Presently we lower the world price of food to half the natural economic price by spending £350 billion annually subsidising Western farmers and starve 40,000 Third World farmers to death daily. In one policy, as enlightened as electing Obama, we could deal effectively with the reality of all that threatens us.

I propose a radical rethink for the underdeveloped countries, a 2nd Marshall plan, a policy no more radical or costly than Roosevelt's in his time. America then created a powerhouse consumer for her goods which thrust her economy upward to pre-eminence. I propose that we give farmers across the world the same subsidy as we give our own.

They have land and labour. we have the power of capital. It is not impossible– It would only cost 2% of our standard of living. Instead of a constant drag on the West these countries would create unprecedented demand for our industries. With Europe contributing equally to America the Marshall equivalent would total in to-day's money 2,600$ billion and it would cost less than that..

Without fundamental change the world as we know it will end. Oil scarcity has demonstrated in the current year its stark inelasticity of demand, tripling in response to a small scarcity, then plunging in 4 months by two thirds before a minor fall in demand. Already the exhaustion of the world's exhausted oil fields mean we face a horrendous 6% declining trend in oil production and the inevitable day of oil at 1000$ a barrel. If we do not change we face the seas washing in to cover hundreds of square miles in California and Bangladesh and the majority of the capitals built at the mouth of rivers on low lying land.

By extending the existing sytem of subsidies, such a transfer of financial resources direct to the pesant farmer in Africa, Asia and South America could stop the galloping forest devastation resultant on desperate poverty and gain a 10 times increase in the acreage for vital bio fuels. These presently contribute 3% to World energy use. An increase from 3% to 30% plus ongoing growth would stunt the oil threat.

We weaken and emasculate the salt of the earth, the billions of peasant farmers, so that they are desperately and barely clinging on to existence. Under Marshall 2 they would be claiming the rights of democracy. At first glance a 3rd World starvation death rate, substantially greater than the death rate during the 2nd world war, even if forecast to double, seems irrelevant. That is because we have not asked from where are the numbers, according to the Bush administration, veritable hordes, of terrorist supporters growing from? What are the billion people across the world who have been bereaved by starvation thinking? Could 10 pence from each finance a nuclear bomb.

CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE could actually diminish the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but at great cost. The enormous land resource my plan would release could meet that cost.

There is a reason for the emotional malaise in the Western world. Our psychology when we strove with such extreme unrealistic fervour for more and more wealth that we 'overleaped and fell on the other,' into the sub-prime disaster is one of subconscious anxiety. If we allowed reality to enter our consciousness, awareness that we are enforcing trade rules that kill so many would be less disturbing than the neurotic need to avoid that knowledge for fear the realisation would be unendurable. The Marshall Plan gave America a just sense of rightousness that led to her present greatness.

The fatal fantasy of the Bush administration's policy aimed at extreme military supremacy, 'Full Spectrum Dominance,' was an escapist dream of a hard core of neo-conservatives , first declared explicitly in a letter to president Clinton signed by Rumsfeld Cheney and others. A nightmare for the entire world ended with Obama but the legacy is dire.

We need more than a leap of faith, we need a dream of the triumph of reason.

1000 farmers committed suicide last month in India because they became so destitute that they could not endure human existence. The exhaustion of the oil in the ground, the ozone in the air or the patience in our fellow men, could make our fate worse than theirs.

[automatically entered sender verification.]
Dermot Ryan
BA, DipTh [Nat Uni Ire], Psy/aud [UCLA], Sloan Fellow, [Grad Sch, Stanford Uni, Ca],. Hon Lecturer; [Grad Sch, Dublin Uni.], Former exec chair: National Development Association [Irish Gov Org], Northern Ireland Inter-denominational Distress Organisation [NGO], Eire Tostal [Irish Gov Org]

dermot ryann

"The whole world hangs in the balance".

These were the momentous words of the the US Secretary of State. They were not said of the scenario which faces Obama.

George Marshall was speaking in 1947. The Marshall Plan tilted that balance by gaining a transfer of 1,300$ billion in today's money that saved devastated starving Europe

This was the first miraculous change of my lifetime, Obama's election was the second. The solution for Oil exhaustion, climate collapse and terrorist threat, even ultimately nuclear terrorist threat, requires a third change, this time in our hearts and minds.

Vast tracts of land are presently unused or under producing. We could create an economic engine harnessed to pulling us out of recession, significantly stemming climate change, creating vast new sources of renewable energy and reflecting the Obama's battle cry of 'hope'.

Presently we lower the world price of food to half the natural economic price by spending £350 billion annually subsidising Western farmers and starve 40,000 Third World farmers to death daily. In one policy, as enlightened as electing Obama, we could deal effectively with the reality of all that threatens us.

I propose a radical rethink for the underdeveloped countries, a 2nd Marshall plan, a policy no more radical or costly than Roosevelt's in his time. America then created a powerhouse consumer for her goods which thrust her economy upward to pre-eminence. I propose that we give farmers across the world the same subsidy as we give our own.

They have land and labour. we have the power of capital. It is not impossible– It would only cost 2% of our standard of living. Instead of a constant drag on the West these countries would create unprecedented demand for our industries. With Europe contributing equally to America the Marshall equivalent would total in to-day's money 2,600$ billion and it would cost less than that..

Without fundamental change the world as we know it will end. Oil scarcity has demonstrated in the current year its stark inelasticity of demand, tripling in response to a small scarcity, then plunging in 4 months by two thirds before a minor fall in demand. Already the exhaustion of the world's exhausted oil fields mean we face a horrendous 6% declining trend in oil production and the inevitable day of oil at 1000$ a barrel. If we do not change we face the seas washing in to cover hundreds of square miles in California and Bangladesh and the majority of the capitals built at the mouth of rivers on low lying land.

By extending the existing sytem of subsidies, such a transfer of financial resources direct to the pesant farmer in Africa, Asia and South America could stop the galloping forest devastation resultant on desperate poverty and gain a 10 times increase in the acreage for vital bio fuels. These presently contribute 3% to World energy use. An increase from 3% to 30% plus ongoing growth would stunt the oil threat.

We weaken and emasculate the salt of the earth, the billions of peasant farmers, so that they are desperately and barely clinging on to existence. Under Marshall 2 they would be claiming the rights of democracy. At first glance a 3rd World starvation death rate, substantially greater than the death rate during the 2nd world war, even if forecast to double, seems irrelevant. That is because we have not asked from where are the numbers, according to the Bush administration, veritable hordes, of terrorist supporters growing from? What are the billion people across the world who have been bereaved by starvation thinking? Could 10 pence from each finance a nuclear bomb.

CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE could actually diminish the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but at great cost. The enormous land resource my plan would release could meet that cost.

There is a reason for the emotional malaise in the Western world. Our psychology when we strove with such extreme unrealistic fervour for more and more wealth that we 'overleaped and fell on the other,' into the sub-prime disaster is one of subconscious anxiety. If we allowed reality to enter our consciousness, awareness that we are enforcing trade rules that kill so many would be less disturbing than the neurotic need to avoid that knowledge for fear the realisation would be unendurable. The Marshall Plan gave America a just sense of rightousness that led to her present greatness.

The fatal fantasy of the Bush administration's policy aimed at extreme military supremacy, 'Full Spectrum Dominance,' was an escapist dream of a hard core of neo-conservatives , first declared explicitly in a letter to president Clinton signed by Rumsfeld Cheney and others. A nightmare for the entire world ended with Obama but the legacy is dire.

We need more than a leap of faith, we need a dream of the triumph of reason.

1000 farmers committed suicide last month in India because they became so destitute that they could not endure human existence. The exhaustion of the oil in the ground, the ozone in the air or the patience in our fellow men, could make our fate worse than theirs.

[automatically entered sender verification.]
Dermot Ryan
BA, DipTh [Nat Uni Ire], Psy/aud [UCLA], Sloan Fellow, [Grad Sch, Stanford Uni, Ca],. Hon Lecturer; [Grad Sch, Dublin Uni.], Former exec chair: National Development Association [Irish Gov Org], Northern Ireland Inter-denominational Distress Organisation [NGO], Eire Tostal [Irish Gov Org]

Coal Reports

Interesting. I hadn't heard this claim before. I don't believe mining thermal coal (steam coal) releases any radiation but I would be interested to hear any evidence which suggests it does.

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