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« Natural Gas Civic Beats Prius | Main | Group IV Semiconductor Accelerates Development Of Energy-Efficient Solid State Lighting »

August 02, 2007



Maybe they could also use the cerium oxide coated ceramic catalyst developed by Argonne. Although it is being developed for diesel engines, perhaps it could be fitted to a turbines exhaust too?


Dear Sir,
We at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry commonly called as FICCI is proposing to organise a Global Energy Conservation summit at Delhi (India) during March 2008.
Would be interested to discuss about LSI technologies in this summit ? If yes, please send your quick response by e-mail at the earliest. Opprtunity also exist for spponsorship.However based on your response further correspondance can be made.
R.K.Ghosh, Team Leader (Energy)
FICCI, New Delhi, India


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Carlos Barrera

Tip Info / New Technology Submission - Gearturbine - Atypical:


YouTube Video; Atypical New * GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic

GEARTURBINE -Atypical Combustion Turbine Engine, -State of the Art, -New Thermodynamic Technology, -With Retrodynamic "Dextrogiro vs Levogiro" Effect, is when the inflow direction moves is against of the circular rotary dynamic, RPM Rotor Move VS Inflow Conduits Way, making in a simple way a very strong concept of power thrust, a unique technical cuality. -Non Waste, parasitic losses form-function engine system for; cooling, lubrication & combustion; -Lubrication & Combustion inside a conduit radial position, out way direction, activated by centrifugal force (centrpetal to in), -Cooling in & out; In by Thermomix flow & Out by air Thermo transference, activated by the dynamic rotary move, -Increase the first compresion by going of reduction of one big circunference fan blades going to, -2two very long distance cautive compression inflow propulsion conduits (like a digestive system) (long interaction) in perfect equilibrium well balanced start were end like a snake bite his own tale, -Inside active rotor with 4 pairs of retrodynamic turbos (complete regeneration power system), -Mechanical direct "Planetary Gear" power thrust like a Ying Yang (very strong torque) (friendly loose friction) 2two small gears in polar position inside a bigger shell gear, wide out the rotor circunference were have much more lever power thrust, lower RPM in a simple way solution for turbines, to make posible for a some new work aplication (land). -3 Stages of inflow turbo compression before the combustion. -3 points united of power thrust; 1- Rocket Flames, 2-Planetary Gear & 3-Exhaust Propulson, all in one system. -Combustion 2two continue circular moving inside rocket Flames, like two dragons trying to bite the tail of the opposite other. -Hybrid flow system diferent kind of aerolasticity thermoplastic inflow propulsion types; single, action & reaction turbines applied in one same system, -Military benefits, No blade erosion by sand & very low caloric target profile. -Power thrust by barr (tube); air sea land & generation aplication, -With the unique retrodynamic technical cuality of "dextrogiro vs levogiro" effect is when the inside flow moves against of the rotor moves making a very strong concept, RPM Rotor Move VS Inflow Conduits Way (an a example is like to move the head to the side of the strike ponch) -A pretender of very high % efficient power plant looking to make posible a cheap electrolysis. -Patent; Dic 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187

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I enjoyed this post Abhishek. It was certainly creative and not what I was expecting when I clicked on the title – a title I might add, which is quite good. I know I had to find out what ways ‘guaranteed’ I could grow my list.

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This is one of the great invention on automobile nowadays. We need to have technologies that are very useful to our economy and environment.

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