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July 07, 2007


Andy Johns

I am a reporter for a newspaper in Alabama and I just did a story that may interest some of the readers of this blog.
The story is on someone here in a rural part of Alabama (not the place you would expect an electric car) who just bought a Gem Car.
Here is a link: http://www.annistonstar.com/news/2007/as-local-0708-ajohns-7g07x3457.htm


From other reading I believe this PPM Energy/Suzlon project is targeted for Colorado and Oregon. GE is supplying the generators. It is a great international project for all the countries and companies involved.

The announcements are great news. The project permits 98% of the land to be used for other purposes. Good wind sites will be utilized, state revenue increased, jobs created, construction materials consumed and also a rise in demand of local services for workers. I hope GE continues doing so much for our country and I consider GE at the top of all renewable energy companies in the entire US.

Freddie Sirmans

Just browsing the internet, very interesting blog

Manu Sharma

"Suzlon Wind Energy Corporation, is the US-based subsidiary of Suzlon Energy A/S of Denmark."

Suzlon is actually an Indian company with headquarters in Pune in the state of Maharashtra. They have a sales office in Denmark.

Chandranshu Pandya

That's right.
Suzlon is an Indian company.

don bartell

Having your own Wind Turbines at home is a very good way to conserve on your electrical expenses.

Just imagine the amount of money you can save when you have your own power generator providing you with free electricity! A windmill is a very good alternative especially with the economic situation nowadays. It is affordable to your budget and best of all its’ free. You can purchase or build your own wind generator at any hardware store or online site.

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