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June 08, 2007



An oscillating magnetic field will induce currents in any conductor nearby, resonant or not.  When you consider the health concerns about EMF's lately, it makes me wonder why anyone would push a concept like this.

Bill Northrup

Nicoli Tesla did that nearly one hundred years ago!! It was awesome....


Tesla claimed nearly no power loss! What did he do different? Wardenclyffe was to be his wireless power grid. It's a shame his funding was pulled and Westinghouse ended up with most of his patents. The guy was way ahead of his time!


If the energy field pervades a public space, you are going to have a lot of trouble charging for it.

Michael Crumpton

Energy is already dispensed in public places:
Streetlights provide light for all and it is charged to us through taxes.

In any case most mobile apps use relatively small amounts of power: laptops <20watts, Cell phones <5 watts.

It would be a different story if electric cars or scooters could charge while they are waiting at the traffic light, but registration fees can deal with that.


This is very cool but it means using 2.5 times as much energy than if you just plug something in. At 40% efficiency, 60W light bulb consumes 150W.

I'm sure this has some great niche applications, but I would hate to see this catch on just for convenience when we should be thinking about energy conservation. I don't think I have to worry though. Looks like they've got a lot of work to do before it fits in your cell phone or even laptop.


Bees effected by cell phones. Stray voltage from power lines. EMF effects on humans and animals.

A gHG crisis.

And MIT wastes it's time on tesla's flawed dream? What is this country coming to? Ancient Rome repeated.

Please MIT stick to studying renewable energy and plugin vehicle technology. stop the BS.


Recharge of electric vehicles from under roadways with resonant coils of this design ring any bells MIT? Obviously not.

The only application for this waste of resources left out of the article. Is Monica Goodling picking MIT research students now?

Big Al

With people being in a state of panic over power line induction, the field strength nessary for power of any sort to recharge batteries etc would be way to high for continuous human exposure

Ed H.

Transverse = bad. Longitudinal = good.

100 monkeys just aren't enough, even if they do have MIT degrees.


Facinating challenge here, how to wind power Alaskan villages without diesel backup?


Anyway, here's another application for this invention. Stationary parking lot charging for electric cars. park over the sending coil in a parking space. The coils can be almost touching there. For a very efficient, credit card billed automatic recharge of electric cars, no plugging in.

With inches instead of feet between these coils with recharge while you ride from under the road surface the efficiency should be very high, even better than regular induction.

Long haul semis and buses powered by electric with backup generators could ride in the charge lane say half their trip.

Better read this blog MITites. Hehey. (sorry for the "goodling" remark)


Considering that people with pacemakers are warned not to use electric toothbrushes, and that some kid (allegedly) got pacemakers to malfunction when they're too close to a freakin' iPod, I see this as very unrealistic technology from a legal standpoint, much less the increased energy loss, "regular" human exposure, increased airconditioning costs (loss in energy in this case = heat), etc.

Am not against the research per se; remember, the EV1 had a charging paddle that was based upon inductive coupling (over 85% efficient I thought????). The research aspects of this are fine, but expecting it to be used in the proposed manner is, well stupid.


"Waldo" c1950, by Robert Silverberg.


I can't believe some of the comments on this post! "Work on renewable energy." Tough if that's not their field. "Waste of resources." Not to whoever funded it! (Maybe you ought to offer your obviously vast knowledge and expertise to the NSF or NIH funding boards?) "No application." Let's cut all fundamental physics research, too, since the hell if string theory is going to help our day-to-day lives anytime soon.

Novel research is novel research, folks. Every dime and every second of effort need not go to EXACTLY what YOU'RE interested in!


I'm not sure of the exact technology used, but I witnessed this exact demonstration at Texas A&M in College Station in 1999.


Witricity News, Experimental Videos And Information:



This is a new concept and needs time to prove its wothiness.

But, we at Neo Energy Corporation, have invented the world’s first generator, which is run by bullocks and produces energy to power small villages and communities at very negligible cost, when compared to our conventional ways. This is a novel concept of converting animal power to electricity generated from locally available materials. And this energy is clean and green with no carbon emission.

All you need is a small bullock cart, Steel Rotor, variable gear box, Fly wheel Dynamo – able to produce up to 400Watts. This power is sustainable, as the Bullocks are of local breed and can consume fodders, which are available locally. The unit can be housed in a shed with concrete floorings.

We wish to commercialise this product for the welfare of millions of people in Asia and Africa. And we look forward to technocrats and private equity firms to participate in this revolution to make this project a very successful one.

Thanks for providing this platform.



This is a new concept and needs time to prove its wothiness.

But, we at Neo Energy Corporation, have invented the world’s first generator, which is run by bullocks and produces energy to power small villages and communities at very negligible cost, when compared to our conventional ways. This is a novel concept of converting animal power to electricity generated from locally available materials. And this energy is clean and green with no carbon emission.

All you need is a small bullock cart, Steel Rotor, variable gear box, Fly wheel Dynamo – able to produce up to 400Watts. This power is sustainable, as the Bullocks are of local breed and can consume fodders, which are available locally. The unit can be housed in a shed with concrete floorings.

We wish to commercialise this product for the welfare of millions of people in Asia and Africa. And we look forward to technocrats and private equity firms to participate in this revolution to make this project a very successful one.

Thanks for providing this platform.



This is a new concept and needs time to prove its wothiness.

But, we at Neo Energy Corporation, have invented the world’s first generator, which is run by bullocks and produces energy to power small villages and communities at very negligible cost, when compared to our conventional ways. This is a novel concept of converting animal power to electricity generated from locally available materials. And this energy is clean and green with no carbon emission.

All you need is a small bullock cart, Steel Rotor, variable gear box, Fly wheel Dynamo – able to produce up to 400Watts. This power is sustainable, as the Bullocks are of local breed and can consume fodders, which are available locally. The unit can be housed in a shed with concrete floorings.

We wish to commercialise this product for the welfare of millions of people in Asia and Africa. And we look forward to technocrats and private equity firms to participate in this revolution to make this project a very successful one.

Thanks for providing this platform.


wireless cellphone business

is there anything mit cannot do. These guys are so smart.

laptops in pakistan

Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.
Good Luck!


super concept...plz help me sir some ideas share about your project

Electric Coils

I seriously need more tips from people like you to improve my skills in the field =)

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