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  • The Energy Blog is where all topics relating to The Energy Revolution are presented. Increasingly, expensive oil, coal and global warming are causing an energy revolution by requiring fossil fuels to be supplemented by alternative energy sources and by requiring changes in lifestyle. Please contact me with your comments and questions. Further Information about me can be found HERE.



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March 16, 2007


John Bushelle

Business combinations, merger, acquisition, and joint venture are not easy to execute and they most often don’t live up to their expectations. There have been several studies done on mergers and acquisitions announced in the last 20 years and in well over 60% of the cases the synergy was not realized. When synergy doesn’t materialize the acquiring company ends up damaging shareholder value because premiums paid to take a significant equity stake in a target company are not recouped. However, by understanding a company’s motives for buying, selling, or partnering a business, how the decision fits in with their overall corporate strategy, and the careful identification of the characteristics of an ideal target, the chances of success can be greatly increased. effective post merger integration is a big key to success.


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