INTERVIEW - London Plans to be World's Greenest City
Reuters, via Planet Ark, February 28, 2007
LONDON - The British capital set out on Tuesday to become the greenest city in the world with a radical climate action plan to cut carbon emissions by 60 percent within 20 years in the battle against global warming.
The plan aims to slash carbon output by reducing demand and wastage ...
London's 7.5 million people will be urged to turn off televisions and lights and switch to low energy lightbulbs, while householders will be offered big subsidies to insulate their homes, which account for 40 percent of carbon emissions. ...
part of the action plan aims to switch over one quarter of the city's power supply from the old and ... inefficient national grid to locally-generated electricity using far more efficient combined heat and power plants (CHP). Some 70 percent of the original energy output of a traditional power station is wasted in lost heat or during transmission, but a CHP unit captures and uses the heat produced. ...
The plan aims to cut London's carbon emissions by 20 million tonnes a year by 2025, but the real goal is a reduction of 33 million tonnes or 60 percent below 1990 levels, Watts said.
This definately puts the pressure on the prez and congress regarding the "20 in 10" statement. I think I'm seeing an energy revolution before my very eyes. Somebody pinch me. With all the profit taking in the market... add to that the recent spike in oil... not to forget the summer spike is about to happen... I wonder if the bull market is about to run with alternative energy solutions. Hey DocX... better get your checkbook ready =b
Posted by: Jimmi | February 28, 2007 at 02:13 AM
I wonder if the bull market is about to run with alternative energy solutions.
Posted by: cheap computers | March 06, 2010 at 03:28 AM
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