SunOpta Inc. (NASDAQ:STKL) announced that it has signed a 50-50 joint venture agreement with GreenField Ethanol Inc., formerly known as Commercial Alcohols Inc., Canada's leading producer of fuel ethanol, to develop and implement commercial scale processes for the production of cellulosic ethanol from wood chips, including the planned establishment of one or more commercial scale plants that will utilize the SunOpta BioProcess Group's patented and proprietary process solutions for the production of cellulosic ethanol.
The first plant is planned to produce 40 million liters (approximately 10 million gallons) of cellulosic ethanol per year, which they claim would be the first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant in the world using wood chips as feedstock. Greenfield Ethanol and SunOpta are actively involved in selecting a site for the first plant in Ontario or Quebec. Subsequent plants will be in the range of 200 to 400 million liters (approximately 50 to 100 million gallons) per year capacity.
Steve Bromley, President and COO of SunOpta commented, "As previously announced, the SunOpta BioProcess Group is raising $30 million to fund exciting growth projects utilizing the Group's proprietary technology in the production of cellulosic ethanol. This joint venture is an exciting first step in the use of these funds and we are most pleased to partner with GreenField, combining their world class expertise developing ethanol plants with our world class expertise in biomass pretreatment and cellulosic ethanol technologies."
This sounds like a good team that has plenty of experience, but I didn't think they have that much experience with wood chips. But their website claims that they have experience in pretreatment of wheat straw, corn stover, grasses, oat hulls and wood chips. They do have a high pressure ammonia process for the pretreatment of cellulose which might be applicable. They also have a process for recovering xylitol which can be a valuable byproduct from producing ethanol. They are considered the world leading experts in pretreatment, so why should I doubt them.
Well, I would be somewhat weary and skeptical on an outfit that claims cutting edge production technology that raises its funds through the public finance markets. Canada is the den for outfits that first raise money through pink slips and then end up spending only a fraction of that on a project (rest simply vanishes as overhead), and keep on dipping into the public coffers, often with the help of government programs.
If they had a strong case, it would be more efficient for them to raise funds through the VC or angel communities, IMO. But of course this is just circumstantial evidence. They may in fact be onto something big.
Posted by: Beek | December 22, 2006 at 02:30 PM
New website on direct catalysis of ethanol from syngas and biomass. They claim significant lower costs as compared to fermentation, and its claimed they can also process cellulose and lignin.
Looks like a modern day Fischer Tropsch?
Posted by: Beek | December 22, 2006 at 03:23 PM
Business combinations, merger, acquisition, and joint venture are not easy to execute and they most often don’t live up to their expectations. There have been several studies done on mergers and acquisitions announced in the last 20 years and in well over 60% of the cases the synergy was not realized. When synergy doesn’t materialize the acquiring company ends up damaging shareholder value because premiums paid to take a significant equity stake in a target company are not recouped. However, by understanding a company’s motives for buying, selling, or partnering a business, how the decision fits in with their overall corporate strategy, and the careful identification of the characteristics of an ideal target, the chances of success can be greatly increased. effective post merger integration is a big key to success.
Posted by: John Bushelle | June 03, 2008 at 12:12 PM
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Posted by: 天天素 | May 20, 2011 at 06:32 AM
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Posted by: Photobioreactor | October 02, 2011 at 12:50 PM
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Posted by: Real Estate in Vietnam | October 29, 2011 at 01:08 AM