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November 03, 2006



Yep Jim. Plugin Toyota! Please!!

We are one short step from an initial real world solution to energy and climate problems. Plugin hybrids.

Hybrids are not really saving much gas or greenhouse gas emission.

Subaru's electric car might be the leap frog step right over plugin hybrids though.


Hey Doc...

If you were to compare the Subaru's EV versus Phoenix Motorcars EV... which would you choose and why? I'm just trying to learn more about the different EVs and their capabilities.


It's going to be difficult to get the world's major auto manufacturers to produce pure EV's as long as the oil companies are able to lean on the them to not do so - see 'Who Killed the Electric Car'.

I think it's more likely that they will emaerge from Silicon Valley, perhaps in conjuntion with niche auto producers (like Tesla/Lotus).

That is as long as the public cares enough to make it sufficiently embarrasing for big oil if they try to put them out of business or just buy them out and kill it, which is the way they've mostly done it to date.

It's depresssing that neither Climate Change, Peak Oil nor National Energy Security seem to be an issue for Tuesday's vote. I would have thought that Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' or Friedman's 'Addicted to Oil' message might have got through by now.

Anyone care to comment?



Since Economics 101 states that human beings will
"maximize their utilities" , we will continue to
use cheap Arab oil ( I presently pay 1.96/gal for
regular which is a great bargain).
The only message i get from Al Gore is that he is
a completely unhinged buffoon.Only a mindless
lemming would follow this fool.
Since human beings are NOT responsible for
global warming, they are POWERLESS to stop it.

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