Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) headed by the sometimes controversial chairman Daniel Yergin, released a new analysis of future oil supplies. They claim that rather than oil peaking and then rapidly declining the correct Model for Post-2030 Oil Supply is an undulating plateau.
In contrast to a widely discussed theory that world oil production will soon reach a peak and go into sharp decline, a new analysis of the subject by CERA finds that the remaining global oil resource base is actually 3.74 trillion barrels -- three times as large as the 1.2 trillion barrels estimated by the theory’s proponents -- and that the “peak oil” argument is based on faulty analysis which could, if accepted, distort critical policy and investment decisions and cloud the debate over the energy future. ....
Global production will eventually follow an “undulating plateau” for one or more decades before declining slowly. The global production profile will not be a simple logistic or bell curve postulated by geologist M. King Hubbert, but it will be asymmetrical – with the slope of decline more gradual and not mirroring the rapid rate of increase -- and strongly skewed past the geometric peak. It will be an undulating plateau that may well last for decades.
During the plateau period in later decades, according to the CERA analysis, demand growth will likely no longer be largely met by growth in available, commercially exploitable natural oil supplies. Non-traditional or unconventional liquid fuels such as production from heavy oil sands, gas-related liquids (condensate and natural gas liquids), gas-to-liquids (GTL), and coal-to-liquids (CTL) will need to fill the gap.
I tend to believe in the "undulating plateau" theory with some modifications. Four of my questions relating to this theory are: 1) when does this happen? 2) what fuels will be in the mix to supply the shortfall of fossil fuels? 3) What will be the price of fuels at that time? and 4) Does it really matter what the proper theory is?
Rather than the "undulating plateau" starting in 2030, I believe that, within a few years if not already, we will enter a period when energy prices continue to increase at a rate much higher than inflation and that this will continue until our renewable energy resources can reverse this trend. We have reached the peak of "conventional oil" and the shortfall is being made up by recovering oil from more expensive sources that in many cases is more expensive to refine.
Not to mention the global warming that will occur unless legislation is implemented worldwide requiring power plants to be built that discharge much, much less carbon than current plants do.
Energy conservation is the most effective means of reducing growth of energy needs. However we still have to build more renewable energy plants, more nuclear plants and accelerate the use of IGCC coal plants with carbon capture. No one source will keep up with demand even with the most drastic energy conservation programs. One of the main reasons for this is that developing countries must be allowed to use more energy to bring their standard of living to a higher level. China and India cannot do this with renewable energy alone, some of the smaller countries might be able to.
They wave their magic wand, redefine oil and presto the world has 3 times more oil than ever before. See folks no peak oil here...move along now.
If only life were so grand. This CERA group reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, saying don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. I would rather live in CERA's world than the one I'm stuck in, unfortunately thinking happy thoughts doesn't stop the rain.
Posted by: disdaniel | November 17, 2006 at 12:36 AM
All you need to know about peak oil?
It's a pump and dump trading scheme that just keeps on shucking suckers for the insiders trading oil futures. And US voters,taxpayers, and consumers.
Just delete it.
Posted by: amazingdrx | November 17, 2006 at 06:01 AM
I don't understand you. Peak oil is gonna destroy our economy within 20 years, more likely within 10.
Do you somehow think oil is an infinite resource?
Posted by: disdaniel | November 17, 2006 at 01:51 PM
That's what they would have you believe disdaniel.
I'm not buying into it. I see insider manipulation of oil reserve figures as the one constant in relation to this topic.
The same guys who own and trade the oil hire the "experts" to pontificate upon it.
I see oil warring, oil related corruption of goverenance, and global climate disaster as the real limits to oil use, not availability.
Here's my alternative plan to oily multinational corporatism ruling/ruining planet earth.
Our present energy policy is destroying not only the world economy, right now. But also the human friendly nature of earth itself.
Posted by: amazingdrx | November 18, 2006 at 11:26 AM
That undulating plateau evokes a pastoral image of sunlit uplands in an energy paradise of abundance. In fact, the comfortable CERA concept of an undulating plateau simply reflects an unknown landscape where prices and supply might rise or fall sometime soon, but we do not need to worry. In fact, energy supply is more about money than resource potential. Failure to invest in new capacity in the last decade has engineered a guaranteed high price mountgain ahead, not a plateau, because when demand overtakes capacity, as is likely within the next few years, we will find ourselves at the edge of a precipice, not a gentle slope, where shortages create crisis. Energy resource potential is practically unlimited, but potential does not turn the windmill or prime the pump. The energy industry has achieved a revolution in value at the risk of economic and strategic chaos because it takes decades to transform potential into real sustainable capacity. Both Wall Street and OPEC know that and have taken us to the brink and denied society an energy continuum that is technically possible but which has been left too late to implement without a crisis along the way. Undulating plateau does not describe the energy landscape ahead.
Posted by: richard shepherd | November 20, 2006 at 08:07 PM
You can discover what Steven Carew "has got" by visiting wholesale the website for Rhino Hydro. There are a few "update" items there, dated 2004.
But, the essence of Steve's invention is described under the "technical" menu selection, as follows:
"This electro generating plant employs magnets and springs to help create a perpetual motion which hiphone drives a generator. Thus giving you the electricity you need."
Get the picture, Jason? Hard to imagine Steve can't get funding . . .2945abc45 0422
Posted by: Android Tablet PCs | April 22, 2011 at 04:32 AM