There are now over 1,000 publicly and privately accessed E85 fueling locations throughout the United States! The Cenex in Bemidji, Minnesota can proudly be named the thousandth facility.
The number of E85 stations has grown significantly in just a short period of time. Below is an approximation of how many E85 outlets were in operation over the past several years:
January 2003: 100
January 2004: 150
January 2005: 285
January 2006: 600
In October of 2005, the station count was 438; the number has more than doubled in 12 months!
Phil Lampert, Executive Director of the NEVC said : ...this level of stations is significant. While 1,000 stations is only a drop in the so called 'fueling station bucket' (approximately 170,000 sites offer gasoline in the U.S.), recent progress has been incredible."
Lampert added, “It’s appropriate that the E85 station number 1,000 is located in Minnesota, home of more E85 stations than any other state." There are currently over 300 E85 outlets in the state of Minnesota.
Currently there are 946 publicly accessed and 56 private fleet accessed locations across the country, covering thirty-nine states. Arkansas and Massachusetts just recently added their first E85 facility to each of their states.
The National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition has the most complete and up-to-date listing of E85 refueling locations. You can find a listing at
Another Free Market success story!
Posted by: George | October 07, 2006 at 12:47 AM
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Posted by: 生薬 | May 03, 2011 at 05:23 AM
Posted by: アバクロ | May 03, 2011 at 05:28 AM