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September 20, 2006



The biggest problem I see with the V2G concept is that the most likely time for the grid needing an assist is late afternoon on a hot day. In this case, the driver would begin the commute home only to find the battery discharged. Depending on the control algorithm, the car might start charging the battery using the gasoline motor, wiping out the gas savings from the morning.


Early adoption costs! That goes for PHEVs as well as plasma TVs, blu-ray or whatever.

V2G is a very important feature of battery powered vehicles, be it BEVs or PHEVs. That feature will become increasingly important in the future if more renewable energy sources are tapped. The two form a near-perfect symbiosys.

Roderick Williams

Assuming the cars are being used as storage capacity for renewables, wouldn't the cars be charging throughout the day from PVs and then discharging to run aircon in the afternoon. Provided the car has sufficient storage capacity I wouldn't care if its half or 2/3s full for a normal commute.


Excellent! 100s of millions of grid connected vehicles, at work, at home, even at a shopping center would store a lot of energy. The actual percentage of drive time compared to the time most vehicles just sit in one spot is very small. Maybe 5% of an average car's life is spent on the road?

As far as charge problems where peak demand conflicts with peak driving time, with a quick charge time vehicles can go from 20% charge to 90% very quickly when one needs to use them.

And peak air conditioning demand, for instance, coincides with peak solar power, so that would not be a problem given solar electric on every possible roof, especially those roofs in hot sunny regions that need the most air conditioning.

Anyway a peak demand might actually only deplete the average electric pligin car battery maybe 20%? That wouldn't be a problem, that 20% could be replenished in a few minutes.

Why not adjust working hours to cure traffic jams too? It would smooth out peak power demand for driving too.

And if drivers schedule their commute time into the onboard charging controller no convenience is lost and in fact utility company charging and storage systems can read this vehicle programing and adjust for it.

Switching to universal wireless broadband internet transmitted over the grid would facilitate this, as well as increasing productivity by eliminating the need for regular phone, cable, and cellular phone systems.

This upgrade of information technology would save enough money to pay for most of the power grid upgrade that is needed. Think of all the duplication waste eliminated!

Broadband over the utility grid can carry all information now carried by expensive cable tv, phone, cellular phone and internet systems.

Put these monopolists all on an even playing field over the utility grid and watch cable tv, internet, and phone prices drop with real competition.


To replace 20 power plants is worth the effort right there. If we allow those plants (currently nuclear plants are planned) to be built instead, we'll end up with nothing that is sustainable.

This is so cool and such a good idea. But then, I'm preaching to the choir here, I'm sure.

Jonathan Fry

Anyone else see the potential for a car virus? It may be possible for these networked cars to get a virus. Someone could make a virus to infect the cars so they will charge (drain power) from the grid during a peak time. This could be used to bring the grid down if they rely only on them for peak demand.


Just wanted to share this interesting energy calculation workbook I found online It is cool. It actually shows you how to measure the amount of energy that your car really needs!! (as opposed to how much gas it eats). It also shows you how to measure the difference of energy used at low speeds and high speeds, lets you calculate the engine’s energy efficiency, and how your car’s energy compares to other things like energy in your home. It also discusses wind and solar energy, vehicle to grid technology (V2G) as well as electric and hybrid cars.


This link is also very interesting ...

J Chen

A complete 2KW Li-ion conversion kit is available under $2000

Yuasa Batteries

Nice post, well written. Where can i find more of your views?

New Balance 574

This post really had me thinking about this particular issue in way I havent before. Its something I do believe we need to talk about more. Thankyou.

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Batteries/Hybrid Vehicles