CalCars reports that the founders of Google have set up a philanthropy, called, giving it seed money of about $1 billion and a mandate to tackle poverty, disease and global warming. Unlike most charities, it will be a for-profit company, allowing it to fund start-up companies, form partnerships with venture capitalists and even lobby Congress. The organization is called
According to the NY Times one of the initial projects will be to develop an ultra-fuel-efficient plug-in hybrid car engine that runs on ethanol, electricity and gasoline; they are consulting with hybrid-engine scientists and automakers, and have arranged for the purchase of a small fleet of cars with plans to convert them to plug-in vehicles.
According to CalCars this information was released prematurely and Google issued this statement to them:
"As is committed to helping to address global warming, we are interested in encouraging the rapid development of cleaner and more efficient energy solutions, such as advanced hybrid flex fuel vehicles. While we have no plans to announce at this time, we look forward to joining with others working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investigating and investing in new approaches and technologies that could have the potential to reduce this global threat."
I wonder how will go about building a PHEV from the ground up...
Posted by: dp` | September 14, 2006 at 09:32 PM
Excellent! Notice they are not building one, but rather converting. A much better plan.
Will they follow this up by building a plugin electric drivetrain with a solid oxide fuel cell/microturbine backup generator. That's the real next generation design.
And then use an assembley line conversion process along with selling individual conversion kits. This is google so maybe it will happen.
Why can't anyone else beat google in terms of internet business models? Maybe they will show us why not with this effort?
I don't expect some clunky transmission connected electric motor/internal combustion mutation from them, but then they DID mention ethanol. The inefficient subsidy sucking technology that Gates fell for with his charity.
Posted by: amazingdrx | September 15, 2006 at 02:22 AM
Posted by: w741y | December 12, 2006 at 02:30 PM