Deeya Energy is a Silicon Valley technology venture company developing novel energy storage devices, based on its proprietary L-Cell technology, for Load-shifting, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and Renewable Energy industries. The company announced Sept. 18 that it has raised its first venture capital funding round, worth about $7.5 million, from BlueRun Ventures, Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), and DFJ Element. The investment will be used for product development and global market expansion.
Deeya L-Cells have much better charging and discharging performance while being much cheaper than other batteries. The L-Cells contain environmentally benign materials and are infinitely recyclable, as opposed to the kinds of materials used in other batteries, such as lead-acid.
The cells can provide peak powers between 1kW and 10MW and backup capacity of 4 hours to 10 days. The devices are seamlessly integrable with power grid, solar and wind installations.
"In addition to providing energy storage at lower costs than today's products, the substitution of non-toxic materials in Deeya's L-Cells for the toxic materials and heavy metals in today's products provides an additional economic benefit for customers as it reduces the costs associated with the recycling and disposal of their energy storage products," said John Rockwell, Managing Director, DFJ Element.
What exactly is an "L-Cell" battery? I am assuming that since Deeya claims the electrolyte can be recycled indefinitely, it must be a redox flow battery. Is this vanadium redox, zinc bromine redox, or something else?
Posted by: Alex | December 28, 2007 at 02:14 AM
I was interested in learning if you will be hiring for the marketing department. I would be interested in discussing this opportunity.
Thank you,
Jack Chunn
Posted by: Jack Chunn | January 16, 2008 at 12:05 PM
Its interesting and would like to know more on the products.
Do you have such storage for domestic use?
Posted by: S.Paramasivam | November 07, 2008 at 06:03 AM
A little searching shows it to be an iron-chromium flow battery. Still have not been able to find a cost per kWh of capacity.
Posted by: Gar Lipow | January 12, 2009 at 05:14 PM
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