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September 18, 2006


Joseph Ray

The person from Toronto Star who wrote the article that says:

"Is GM betting on the wrong technology(fuel cell vehicles) again? I certainly hope that Toyota wins this one."

I think that person should move to Japan and kiss their a**.



This is not confined to the automotive industry my friend ... the journalist is probably trying to cause controversy to highlight issues

I live in the UK ... our car manufacturers went to the dogs because we didnt successfully anticipate the future...

But in energy terms we are a world player - and I hope that stays that way


Latest NewsSeptember 29, 2006
U.S. Competitiveness Seen On The Decline
Energy prices disadvantage U.S. firms in global marketplace, manufacturing study says
Glenn Hess
U.S. manufacturers have become less competitive in the global marketplace in recent years because of rising energy and other "structural" costs, according to a report issued Sept. 27 by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

"The sharp rise in these nonwage costs represents a significant and long-term problem for our nation's manufacturers and America's economy," NAM President John Engler remarked at a Washington, D.C., briefing.

The study by economist Jeremy A. Leonard of the Manufacturers Alliance concludes that nonproduction costs for U.S. manufacturers are 32% higher than those of nine of the nation's major economic competitors—Britain, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Domestic manufacturers faced a 22% disadvantage in 2003, the last time NAM studied structural costs, which include corporate taxes, employee health and pension benefits, and legal expenses.

The sharp increase in energy prices over the past three years has been especially painful for chemical manufacturers, which use huge amounts of natural gas both to power their plants and as a key raw material.

The U.S. benefited from relatively low natural gas prices until the late 1990s. But by 2005, the report says, this competitive advantage had turned into a cost disadvantage for U.S. firms.

Leonard said the steady increase in domestic natural gas prices was due to "a fundamental imbalance between supply and demand." He explained that "policy decisions on the part of the government stymied development of known domestic reserves, but at the same time Clean Air Act mandates increased demand."

Leonard noted that congressional and presidential moratoriums on offshore drilling have put 85% of U.S coastal waters off-limits to energy development, while utilities have been switching from coal to cleaner burning natural gas for power generation to meet air quality regulations.

The report indicates that the chemical industry is the largest industrial consumer of natural gas in the U.S., accounting for about 36% of domestic demand.

The U.S. ought not be at a cost disadvantage, Leonard stressed. "We produce more than 80% of the natural gas we consume, and most of the remainder comes from Canada, where domestic prices are about 20% lower than in the U.S," he noted. Because Canada produces more natural gas than it can consume, Leonard said one policy option is to "encourage Canada to extract more natural gas for export to the U.S."

Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2006 American Chemical Society


If GM was serious about fuel cells powering cars, they would build a battery electric car with a backup CeO2/copper high temp fuel cell/ microturbine generator.

It would cut fuel consumption to 10% of that of a normal ICE vehicle, and run on any liquid fuel. Not pie in the sky compressed hydrogen tanks filled from astronomically expensive, uninsurable dangerous 3000 pound per square inch gas pumps.

Come on GM, at least try to compete with toyota, subaru, and honda? This technology would win it for you. Team up with Franklin Fuel Cell. Do it for all of US. Is there any real patriotism left in the GM boardroom?

It's there in the engineering department and factory floor! That's for sure.


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i really think both fuel cell and hybrid technology will be popular in the future and there will not be a clear winner

Angela (prime hydrogen)

Did Chevy ever build the 100 fuel cell vehicles ? I don't remember hearing anything about it. Or did I just miss it? Just curious.


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Karl, when you consider the divorce rate in this country, the sports car just might be the wiser investment. At least with the car, you know how much you're going to end up paying. With a wife, foreign or domestic, it's an


iser investment. At lea




th Korea, and Taiwan.

Domestic manufacturers faced a 22% disadvantage in 2003, the last time NAM studied structural costs, which include corporate taxes, employee health and pension



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I very good info. thanks for sharing your precious thoughts. im regular reader of your blog and always find some good points. thanks


Leonard said the steady increase in domestic natural gas prices was due to "a fundamental imbalance between supply and demand." He explained that "policy decisions on the part of the government stymied development of known domestic reserves, but at the same time Clean Air Act mandates increased demand."


This is not confined to the automotive industry my friend ... the journalist is probably trying to cause controversy to highlight issues

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Occupants will find less room inside than on the Celebrity Equinox, the 2850-passenger cruise ship operated by Celebrity Cruises.

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