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« Khosla Ventures, Western Milling Form Cilion, an Ethanol Producer | Main | Finding a Better Way to Make Biodiesel »

June 25, 2006


Stephen Boulet

Using open ponds successfully has been reported in New Zealand:


Those were sewage ponds for wastewater treatment. No special closed reactors were required, I believe. Neat since it kills two birds with one stone.


Ben Borges

We all need this ! we need bio energy, we need that the leader of this littel blue planet start thinking in the future, our future !


A site the provides more info on biodiesel from algae is Oilgae.com - Biodiesel from Algae - Links & Info . Hope you find the link to be of use

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Distinguished Mr. I want to contact with companies of the item of petroleum, I have many business with petroleum and their derived, I also have direct relationship with group industrial agriculture for new fuels. -
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Emeka Agbata

This concept and technology is really welcome and I think this is what we need in this world especially in Nigeria, where non oil-producing states are so dependent on the niger delta regional revenue and does little to improve the lives of the communities.

debbie anglin

Sitchgrass and other native Oklahoma prairie grasses also show great potential for alternative fuels. To learn more come to GROW:the Governor's Conference on Biofuels, October 16-17, 2007 in Oklahoma City. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, will be a keynote speaker at the Governor's Conference on Biofuels. Registration is $45. For more information or registration visit www.GrowOK.com or call 1-800-203-5494.

debbie anglin

Sitchgrass and other native Oklahoma prairie grasses also show great potential for alternative fuels. To learn more come to GROW:the Governor's Conference on Biofuels, October 16-17, 2007 in Oklahoma City. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, will be a keynote speaker at the Governor's Conference on Biofuels. Registration is $45. For more information or registration visit www.GrowOK.com or call 1-800-203-5494.

debbie anglin

Sitchgrass and other native Oklahoma prairie grasses also show great potential for alternative fuels. To learn more come to GROW:the Governor's Conference on Biofuels, October 16-17, 2007 in Oklahoma City. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, will be a keynote speaker at the Governor's Conference on Biofuels. Registration is $45. For more information or registration visit www.GrowOK.com or call 1-800-203-5494.


The development of biodiesel may not yet be profitable as a project on its own however I was wondering if you had considered improving power generation systems with your systems.

My remark is in relation to combustion based power stations where a concentration of CO2 in the exhaust may provide an extra boost to algue production, Exchaust temperature could be used to stabalise pond temperature and the algae could serve as fuel for the powerstation or fuel for our cars, trains etc. This may also make use of recycled water and surage from city's.


give me some worthful informations

James Flaherty

Boom Or Bust
Mr. President, Which Will It Be?

Here Is The Economic Silver Lining Within The Present Energy Crisis!
Massive development of alternative energy systems. Design, manufacturing, deployment, installation and maintenance of the massive new national alternative energy-plex will create fifty million jobs in five years. Included in this is the redevelopment of the existing energy systems, with a real commitment to making America's energy systems carbon neutral within twenty years. This effort would boom the US economy, erasing the present business slowdown. It would make the Dollar sound again and would lead to a massive pay down in all debt, both public and private. The new President will have to embrace this exact plan if the United States is to avoid economic catastrophe.

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i think this would be awesome. lets start getting it going.

Denver Mortgage

I should have thought of that

Heartland Energy Colorado

This is awesome, we were just discussing the same thing or similar anyway at http://heartlandenergycolorado.blogspot.com. Awesome blog post.

Used Bucket Trucks

Im really rooting For this technology to take off, I think is a better choice than Ethanol since having a high demand for algae wont raise the price of any products

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Why do people live in the desert? If the conditions are so harsh
(heat, drought, famine), why not leave the desert for better areas to
live? (Details would be appreciated about different reasons. Also nice
would be authoritative sources that address this issue.)


Biodiesel is meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is thus distinct from the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. Biodiesel can be used alone, or blended with petrodiesel.

B2B Marketplace

What a great blog post! Thanks for sharing it on your site.


Bio diesel energy has become the future need of the world. Awesome post, keep posting more. I wish the author to visit http://gasandoilnews.com, since this site has great deal info about the oil and gas and Bio diesel news.

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Companies that grasp these new opportunities, or provide the tools for others to do so, will prosper.

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Nice post! Hopefully something like this will move forward! http://www.skycoequipment.com

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Nice post! Hopefully something like this will move forward!


Photoioreactor uses to produce bio-diesel from algae. There are many research and development in using Photobioreactor to produce biodiesel from algae. But Phycotech’s mission is to provide its customers with leading edge photobioreactor technology.

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Photoioreactor uses to produce bio-diesel from algae.

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There are many research and development in using Photobioreactor to produce biodiesel from algae. But Phycotech’s mission is to provide its customers with leading edge photobioreactor technology.

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If this experiment is successful and if the production of biodiesel picks up the I am sure that there will be no shortage of fuel.

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This will be a great alternative, algae for biodiesel will surely sustain our limited resources of biodiesel.

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We all need this ! we need bio energy, we need that the leader of this littel blue planet start thinking in the future, our future !

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Many countries are signatories to international treaties concerning intellectual property, and thus companies registered in these countries are subject to national laws bound by these treaties. In order to protect trade secrets, companies may require employees to sign non compete clauses which will impose limitations on an employees interactions with stakeholders, and competitors. Thanks.

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As an owner of utility trucks, I'm 100% for alternative fuels. I do believe biodiesel could unlock a ton of sources for energy that can be harnessed to power many of the modern utilities we take for granted. Keep up the work scientists and I'll help make sure the lights stay on. :)

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The new President will have to embrace this exact plan if the United States is to avoid economic catastrophe.

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