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  • The Energy Blog is where all topics relating to The Energy Revolution are presented. Increasingly, expensive oil, coal and global warming are causing an energy revolution by requiring fossil fuels to be supplemented by alternative energy sources and by requiring changes in lifestyle. Please contact me with your comments and questions. Further Information about me can be found HERE.



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« PetroSun Enters Algae to Biodiesel R&D | Main | German Survey Indicates Sharp Reduction in Motor Fuels »

June 26, 2006


Castor Oil

This is certainly interesting...but it does not eliminate the need for a catalyst, does it...you will still need a catalyst equivalent to be present in the pores of the honeycomb structure...I guess the catalyst can be recycled in the usual transesterification process as well? Perhaps the efficiencies in the new process come from the fact that there needs to be no neutralisation, washing etc...

Sounds good, thanks for the update

CO @ Biodiesel from Castor Oil

Mark Mohr

There is another way to enhance the catalyst activity. Ultrasonication improves the mixing and reduces the catalyst requirement. It reduces the conversion time drastically, too. There is more information at: Hielscher Ultrasonics: Ultrasonic Transesterification of Biodiesel This process seems to be available in commercial scale already.

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