An overview of the solar industry on CNET's courtesy of Clean Break gives a review of the some of the companies involved in the various solar technologies that regular readers of The Energy Blog will recognize. The article is worth a read. The article is written from the perspective that if so many venture capitalists are putting money into these technologies it must be a sign that it is the real thing. It adds a few more names that I will have to investigate and perhaps be the subject of a future post. Surprisingly it does not mention some of the companies that are leading the charge. There are so many new companies in the solar arena that we are going to have a period of significant drop-outs or consolidation in the years to come.
Please note that I have subdivided the solar category for my posts into four categories because one category was becoming too unwieldly. Solar-PV is still rather large and may have to be broken down into silicon and non-silicon categories.
Technorati tags: solar, solar power, energy, technology
The Energy Blog: Solar Overview on CNET