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March 13, 2006



Nothing beats the internal combustion engine for power and range. If the Scuderi is more efficient and just as powerful and durable, it will displace conventional engines, even if it costs more up front. Even if fuel cells and electric vehicles work out, there'll always be government and police vehicles running on internal combustion, for the power and range.


I have also been very impressed with the description of the Massive Yet Tiny engine described at the web site: http://www.angellabsllc.com/

Now this article has me wondering if the Scuderi Splt-cycle could be combined with the MYT to yield even better efficiency.

The second part of the energy conservation equation is the efficiency of the engine converting the energy to work. A carbon-based fuel engine with significantly better efficiency will build a much longer bridge of time to the hydrogen economy.

Robert Pritchett

We just added this interview on the update regarding the MYT Engine today.



The trail to this approach started in a Bridgeport garage and is now summarized in thehiawathatriad.org, triadexp.info, and triadblog.info/blog. Could be some good light reading.

Peter Hill

Where to start?

Lets start with Patent US7121236 by Mr Salvatore C. Scuderi (B.S., J.D) and Mr David P. Branyon. How to describe this? Well it can be summed up by one word.


Yes it's a crackpot crank. Mr Scuderi is supposed to be an Engineer. They can produce a displacement diagram in Fig 15 on sheet 14 and then demonstrate they can produce a Velocity diagram for this cam in Fig 16 on sheet 15. A layman would have left it at the displacement diagram, only an engineer would take the step of producing a velocity diagram. Anyone worthy of the title "Engineer" would then use the same method to obtain Acceleration diagrams. Mr Scuderi and Mr Branyon have for some reason chosen not to.

No matter, the destruction of this device is readily apparent from the Velocity diagram in Fig 16. There are sudden changes in velocity, labeled 254, 255, 257 and 258. These apparently instant changes in velocity require infinite acceleration. Force = mass x acceleration so infinite forces will be produced that hammer the cams guiding the big end pin to bits in a very few revolutions of the crank - possibly while dry cranking. (It will be the fault of the people that made the test engine, law suits will fly or it will demonstrate the huge uncontainable excess of power the engine made)

A brief google for "SVAJ cam mae" gives a good primer on cam design from Western Michigan University and why the work presented in US7121236 is not a viable design.
Fundamental Law of Cam Design
1 The cam function MUST be continuous through the first and second derivatives of displacement across the entire 360° interval
2 The jerk function MUST be finite across the entire 360° interval

Analysis of the REAL thermodynamic cycle that the Scuderi Air Hybrid engine can achieve will show large departures from the ideal Brayton cycle, resulting in losses that render it completely unworkable.

I can only suspect that the staff of The Scuderi Group are well aware of this deficiency or they wouldn't be engaged in the wild and desperate measures seen in US7121236 to extend the duration of the transfer phase to the power cylinder.


no one is beat the internal combustion engine for power and range. If the Scuderi is more efficient and just as powerful and durable, it will displace conventional engines, even if it costs more up front. Even if fuel cells and electric vehicles work out, there'll always be government and police vehicles running on internal combustion, for the power and range. in any engine can passible to reduced emmission

Gaurav Tiwari


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These two cylinders perform their respective functions once per crankshaft revolution, while typically conventional engines require two revolutions of the crankshaft to perform these functions.

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Thanks for the sharing of such information we will pass it on to our readers.This is a great reading.
Thanking you Nice post.

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Thanks for the great article. I agree that these studies show how we make our cars performance better and help conserve energy.

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Your engine relies on a balanced mixture of fuel and air for combustion. Currently, your vehicle draws air through the original manufacturer's intake tube and air box, which is typically loaded with a disposable paper air filter. Automakers design your vehicle's intake tube to be the quietest possible unit that can fit in your engine compartment.

NRG Hubs

Ways such as saving our energy consumption would be a great factor to reduce our carbon emission. This is good for our environment.

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