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January 20, 2006



They seem to be describing a similar process as the other companies you mention, Jim, but they are also using quantum dots which offer much greater absorption qualities than normal thin-film PVs (theoretic efficiencies as high as 65% are possible with quantum dots).

If these guys can make cheap, easily mass-produced thin-film PVs with efficiencies in the 20-40% range, this could be revolutionary ... of course, there's a lot of coulds, ifs and cans in there ...

Jim from The Energy Blog

Konarka also has a joint development with Evident Technologies to use quantum dots in its solar cells that sound the most like Inovalight's of any of the companies that I listed. The reservation I have about these two companies is that they seem to be concentrating all their efforts on fabrics and battery chargers for the military rather than solar panels. It could be that is the only good source of funding for their development.

Kyocera, Ovonics and Sanyo are already in production, perhaps with a product not as effficient as those being developed by Inovalight and Konarka.

Christopher Meisenzahl

Very interesting stuff, thanks!




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I think renewable energy is very important if we want to move forward as a country. However I think we are going in the wrong direction. We need to use magnet motors that are over 100% efficient. Some are even 500% efficient. I know this sounds crazy, but we have this technology. It’s just being hidden from you. The Big Energy companies are making $440 billion a year from us. It’s a huge scam. If you would like to see real proof of little guys like me trying to get the word out check out this link.

Thank you,

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This is very cute. I think that I am going to give it a try. thanks

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I believe that solar panels are an excellent way to provide clean, green and renewable energy to power a wide variety of devices. The power from solar panels is strong, reliable and easy to maintain. And on top of that it is also good for our environment. And like you said, you cut down your energy bill by installing a few solar panels quite easily!

Thanks for sharing this useful information.

Adam Mack

Using Solar Energy to make our lives easier is really important. It is like the invention of this solar ink and other stuff like solar power cells. I admire Inovalight for making this brave and helpful move.

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Very interesting post! Nice to read Inovalight Developing Solar Ink article really I loved reading this. Thanks for the share. Keep going…

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