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December 16, 2005



Ted Kennedy fights wind farms too but will hand out Chavez oil at reduced prices.
Ted into big oil maybe?

Rod Adams

There are a number of Environmentalists, particularly in leadership positions, that frequently make statements or establish policies that have the effect, and perhaps the intention, of helping to make the petroleum industry more profitable.

For the past fifteen years, it has seemed that a number of national environmental organizations have been the marketing arm of the methane (aka "natural" gas) industry. Their success has led to a great market for suppliers, and a bit of pain for consumers.

Robert Kennedy is not alone.


I have learned from experience that a firmly environmental ideology, when it comes to the crunch, often has to bow down to the harsh realities of business, politics and democracy. An environmentalist cannot have it all his/her own way, simply because not everyone is an environmentalist, and one has to respect that one of the greatest things about the world is its diversity.

What is environmentally sound in theory often is not the best solution in practice. We environmentalists have to accept that the road to sustainability is a long one, and that sometimes you need some serious innovation - and that needs to come from us. We can't expect politicaians and everyone else to do everything for us, because they have their own concerns, which incorporate far more issues than just sustainability.

We have to remember that sustainability is not the only issue in the world, and that politicians generally have to take many different issues into account when considering something that to the outsider may seem very straight-forward.

However, it is definitely good to try to understand their reasons.


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