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December 23, 2005


C. Scott Miller

Thanks for the nod.

The technology breakthroughs at the BRI facilities in Fayetteville are very encouraging for those of us who see the promise of cellulosic ethanol conversion from waste of all kinds - corn stover, rice straw, switchgrass, tires, auto fluff, MSW, etc. - not to mention other forms of biomass like... crops.

BRI's story is also one about how state lawmakers and special interest environmental groups can frustrate the investment, development, and implementation process. That is why Bioconversion Blog is so focused on the passage of California AB 1090. If this bill passes with diversion credits awarded to the successful implementation of conversion technologies, an energy and environmental paradigm shift is in the offing.

Globally, there are many interested parties who are willing to invest in this technology to change our waste, pollution, and energy future.

I invite your readers to research and lend their support to the passage of CA AB 1090. Send letters of support to [email protected].


Another method to break cellulose into monosaccharide then ferment with engineer yeast to ethanol. Other alcohol beside ethanol, longer chain, butanol? Engineer yeast to ferment butanol from degrade cellulose? Better burn with butanol.


140 gallons/ton is an impressive yield!  It's considerably better than Iogen's claim for cellulose to ethanol (330 liters/ton, or 87 gallons/ton) and is better than the USDA claims for corn to ethanol (2.66 gallons per 56-lb bushel, or 95 gallons/ton).

Almost too impressive.  Gasification loses a considerable amount of energy as heat, which does not happen in fermentation or hydrolysis.  I've got to question whether those figures are realistic.

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I am looking for a fermenter process plant to produce GIBBERELLIC ACID , a plant growth hormone

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we all need to do our parts to help the environment and you guys all seem to be on the right step to making a difference

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Great site! Another way to help out our enviornment is to buy recycled equipment like used bucket trucks.

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Thanks for sharing!

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I guess this is made possible because BRI has developed bioreactor systems for fermentation that results in retention times of only a few minutes at atmospheric pressure and less than a minute at elevated pressure.

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Very interesting information!

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Good article, now that gas is so high in price we need good alternatives.

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