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December 26, 2005


Eric Blair

The concentrator idea has been done before - Midway Labs.

My 'big concern' is the effect of the broadband radiation on the lifetime of the solar cell.

Concentrated sunlight should mean a shorter cell life. I've not seen a lifetime projection.

Jim from The Energy Blog

The cells used in the SunBall are very rugged, NASA has put them through exhaustive life testing, they are the ones used on the Mars rovers. There are other solar concentrators, but none are so well conceived, compact, sturdy, inexpensive, or easy to maintain as the SunBall.

eric blair

The cells used in the SunBall are very rugged, NASA has put them through exhaustive life testing,

Which is all fine and good, but I've still not seen what the lifetime is going to be.

Doped silicon will fail over time due to migration and phyiscal breakdown. Sunlight concentration should speed up that breakdown. So I'm not convinced (yet) when it comes to concentrators VS other cell technologies.

(What I find interesting is the one polar group with Shell panels. They are getting 3X the normal output. But then again, all around the panel is one big heat sink.)

There are other solar concentrators, but none are so well conceived, compact, sturdy, inexpensive, or easy to maintain as the SunBall.

Errr, that is 'marketing hype' more than actual fact. If you had Midway-made units, or any of the other kinds of concentrators that are/were in production, then compared 'em to the production sunball, then such a claim could be made.

Right at the moment however 'none more compact' - the unit at Energy Innovations looks like it displaces less volume of space than the sunball. (Therefore, less problems under high wind) Well concieved? I thought Midway was a good plan - and it didn't work out. Inexpensive - Again, time will tell. Easy to maintain - Again, without comparisons - hard to say.

I DO like the idea of a sunball on a roof as a 'light pipe' to bring in natural sunshine/heat. And I'd buy two less the PV parts for that purpose on a home I'm re-habbing.


The Green and Gold has a website you can do some research with. Basicly they are saying they have a passive heat disappation system that actualy makes the Sunball cooler than tradition solarpanels. They are also doing some testing on the Sunball to see just how rugged it is. Right now they are projecting the life of the Sunball to be 25+ years.

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Make sure you think about cyclone ratings if you want to put them on roofs.

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This company has a new product now, the "Sun Cube". It seems that they have quite a few deals to distribute them globally, as well as a manufacturing plant in India... although I haven't been able to find any recent news, there seems to be nothing from this past year. I hope they haven't gone under or anything...


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