Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has received a patent for a drone powered by a Stirling engine. The Stirling engine, operating at about 800 C, uses temperature difference to activate its gas-filed pistons. A parabolic mirror, which tracks the sun, would be used to heat a thermal battery consisting of lithium and lithium hydride. Heat stored in the battery would then be used to heat the Stirling engines gas, while the cold air outside the plane would provide the cooling for the engine.
Obtaining the correct mixture of lithium hydride and lithium and the materials of construction used in the container for the battery are critical to successful operation of the battery. According to the patent, lithium hydride has a higher density of energy storage of any known material, but is normally explosive above 700C. By adding a small amount of pure lithium the mixture becomes stable. Containment of the mixture is difficult due to the reactive nature of the lithium, but certain alloys that are described in the patent can be used. The container must be designed for a very low permeation rate of hydrogen to prevent an excessive pressure from being built up in the container. A gold coating applied to the inside walls of the container can be used to obtain the desired permeation rate.
This is just a patent now, but LLNL has many secret projects, this could be one of them. The construction of the battery is extremely sophisticated, my description is much simplified.
Invention: Hot-air plane, New, November 29, 2005
Patent: Solar thermal aircraft, Charles L. Bennett, patent number 20050242232, November 3, 2005
More blogs about solar power, solar, battery, energy
Any info on how efficient the thermal battery is? Or how long it can store the heat/rate of charge degredation?
If this battery could be produced affordable and scalably, it could have wide applications for solar thermal.
Perhaps distributed solar thermal concentrators charging these thermal batteries for use with a stirling engine genset to provide heat and electricity to individual households on demand.
Anyway, there's obviously a long way between a high tech battery for military applications and an affordable, mass producable battery for use in distributed generation schemes but its worth thinking about.
Posted by: JesseJenkins | December 03, 2005 at 02:14 PM
If you have looked into solar energy as a method for heating your home, panels are usually the first things that come up.
There are, however, other unique methods.
The Solar Heating Aspect You Have Never Heard of Before
The power of the sun is immense. The energy in one day of sunlight is more than the world needs. The problem, of course,
is how does one harness this power. Solar panels represent the obvious solution, but they have their downside. First,
they can be expensive depending upon your energy needs. Second, they do not exactly blend in with the rest of your home.
Passive solar heating represents a panel free method of harnessing the inherent energy found in the sun for heating
purposes. If you come out from a store and open the door of your car in the summer, you understand the concept of passive
solar heating. A wide variety of material absorbs sunlight and radiates the energy back into the air in the form of heat.
Passive solar heating for a home works the same way as the process which overheats your car in the parking lot.
Posted by: heating | February 28, 2007 at 08:38 PM
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