Wind turbine sales are seen as powering growth of GE energy over the next few years with IGCC having a huge potential after that. John Krenicki, president and CEO of GE Energy, a $17 billion unit of GE, told Reuters that they forecast revenue from wind energy to grow by 50% in 2006 to $3 billion, $4 billion in 2007 and more than 10% a year through the end of the decade.
The U.S. wind energy business is enjoying the benefits of federal energy legislation passed this summer which extended a production tax credit for two years. In gusty parts of the country, such as West Texas, wind power has become competitive and sometimes cheaper than power from natural gas.
Krenicki said that given the volatility of energy prices, GE's customers want a broad portfolio of generating assets, including nuclear, natural gas turbines and clean coal units called integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC).
GE forecasts operating profit at the energy unit -- which accounts for more than 10 percent of GE's total revenue -- to grow by 10 to 15 percent in 2006 from an estimated $2.7 billion this year.
GE Energy expects sales of IGCC, which offers utilities a cheaper way to capture and sequester greenhouse gases than traditional pulverized coal units, could be a $75 billion opportunity from 2010 to 2020. That market could grow even larger to over $100 billion if the United States, which dropped out of the Kyoto Protocol, ever requires carbon constraints, he said. U.S. firms American Electric Power and Cinergy are planning IGCC units, but are not installing carbon capturing until required to do so.
Resource: GE Energy head eyes wind energy to power growth, Reuters, November 10, 2005
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