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October 27, 2005


Gary Dikkers

Zero pollution? Doesn't the electricity that charges those wonderful lithium ion batteries (and they do sound wonderful) have to come from somewhere?

There may be no pollution from the car, but that doesn't mean "no pollution" unless you charge the batteries with solar cells, wind, falling water, or have gotten a fusion reactor to work.

Andrew L

It's the same with all fuel sort. You have to use energy to create that fuel. That energy costs CO2.
The good thing with electricity is that it is flexible and it's easy to change to a more clean power plant.


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Woohoo looks like my estimates on the A 123 battery must be close or at least this good.


I guessed 70 pounds per gallon of gas equivalent. This one is about 75. And I guessed 250 wh per kg, this battery is 225wh per kg.

The 6 to 8 hour charge time and 2004 build time frame makes me think that the nano tech batteries maybe even better, as they have the 5 minute charge to 90% they may have even higher energy density than the batteries in this project.

But the basic weight to power ratio and range design factors hold. making the design a practical alternative to liquid fuel. That is with the quick charge A 123 or Hitachi nano-phospgate lithoium ion.

At 70k and 300 bucks per kwh this system is expensive, but mass production could bring that down. That means the battery is 12k alone.

But a 25k total price with a 20% profit margin might still be possible,given mass production, that's reasonable. Typically components like these batteries come down in price rapidly with mass production and continuing research, just as microchips did and now PV cells are dropping in price.

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