Another sign that global warming is here:
"ALGAL growth in remote Arctic lakes is confirming what ecologists suspected all along - that entire freshwater ecosystems are altering in response to climate change. Neal Michelutti and his colleagues at the University of Alberta in Edmonton collected 30-centimeter core samples from the bottom of six lakes on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. From levels of chlorophyll a in the sediment, which they measured using a technique called reflectance spectroscopy, they deduced that plant life in the lakes began to increase 150 years ago and is now growing almost exponentially year by year. The most likely reason for the change is climate warming, Michelutti says. ... Past experiments have failed to show a convincing link, either because they covered too short a geological period or because they were conducted in areas where human activity could have affected the results. The core samples contain 5000 year's worth of data from an area almost untouched by human activity."
Because the evidence is from such a long period of time in such a remote area it is hard to argue against the correlation between algae growth and the beginning of industrialization. The time period is such that effects from cyclic weather patterns are eliminated. Ice cores from Arctic regions do not contain evidence that is as easy to measure and the temperature rise in the atmosphere suffers from being taken over a short period of time. I am hardly an expert, but this is convincing to me. Its time we got serious about reducing CO2 emissions from our power plants.
Resource: Lake algae confirm global warming link, New Scientist, October 29, 2005
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"Its time we got serious about reducing CO2 emissions from our power plants..."
... and cars and trucks and factories and airplanes and home heating fuels and methane emissions from landfills and water treatment plants and rice patties and confined animal feeding operatings and ...
It's time we got serious about cutting our greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of life and fighting global warming. There are simply far too many bits of evidence, as circumstantial as they may be, to keep arguing against global warming.
It's enough evidence to convince the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Academy of Sciences, the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as the national sciences academies of all the G8 nations as well as India, China and Brazil and of course the governments of over 150 signatories to the Kyoto Protocol. Even George W Bush has finally come around. All this of course constitutes an appeal to authority. It is, however, a very convincing one! It's certainly enough to convince me, not being an authority on this myself.
Posted by: JesseJenkins | October 31, 2005 at 10:42 PM
I think that this post is very good, i would like to read more information about this topic.
Posted by: Invertir en oro | May 17, 2011 at 02:19 PM
Phycotech’s mission is to provide its customers with leading edge photo bioreactor technology.
By providing cost effective technology for the production of high quality algal biomass we hope to contribute the continued growth of an algal industry that will play a key role in a more sustainable world.
Posted by: photobioreactors | October 07, 2011 at 11:07 AM