A recent Reuters news article expanded on the discussion of environmental concerns relating to clean coal plant, especially IGCC plants. Some salient points are:
- Since there is no requirement for carbon capture, plants are not being built with this feature.
- IGCC plants cost 20% more than conventional plants, but there are several government incentives that could offset this cost.
- Carbon capture boosts the cost of conventional plants 60%, but only boosts the cost of IGCC plants 25%.
- IGCC plants can remove 90% of mercury at 1/10th the cost of mercury removal in conventional plants.
- In the mid 90's not one utility had plans to build a coal plant, in the last 12 months 120 have been proposed, more than in the last 12 years.
The article is well worth the time to read.
Technorati tags: coal, environment, IGCC
my name is scott bowlan
i have designed a large scale hydrogen power station that would replace coal fired power.
the design uses hydroxy generators that convert sea water into hydrogen and oxigen.
the size of the generator can be built to fit the size of the power plant its used on.
saltwater is unlimited and hydrogen does not poute the air.
solar and wind powered generators would power the hydrogen generators that would generate the hydrogen to power the megawatt size turbines.
te problem is all the fools in our government are to interested in powering cars with hyddrogen.
Posted by: scott bowlan | January 13, 2010 at 05:46 PM
Dear Mr Scott
please send me more details of your oxygen/hydrogen plant
Mr Webber
Posted by: Harry Webber | November 21, 2010 at 06:31 PM
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Posted by: coalportal | September 21, 2011 at 04:20 AM