Electro Energy Inc. (EEI), a leading provider of advanced battery technologies , today announced it is developing a custom-designed prototype battery pack for CalCars' Toyota PRIUS+ Test Vehicle, which is the centerpiece of the California Cars Initiative (CalCars) program promoting the commercial use and mass production of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Ron Gremban, the lead technologist on CalCars' PRIUS+ project, stated, "Electro Energy's prototype pack ... is expected to improve average typical mixed-driving gasoline consumption and range performance to 90 mpg plus electricity for the first 40-50 miles after each charge, without compromising the Prius' original performance of 45 mpg."
Discussing the advantages and future of EEI's technology, Michael Reed, President and COO of EEI, said, "Electro Energy's bipolar design is based on flat wafer Ni-MH cells stacked together under pressure in sealed modules. This patented technique has resulted in higher power and energy densities for the Ni-MH chemistry and results in reduced weight, volume and costs, with increased performance. EEI intends to introduce this advanced technology to the automotive market for advanced hybrid and plug-in hybrid battery systems." The attractive weight, volume, power, life, and cost of this design should make it a viable battery for many applications. EEI has supplied prototype bipolar nickel-metal hydride(BP-NiMH) batteries to various commercial and government customers.
According to EEI, conventional packaging configurations of the NiMH battery add considerably to the batteries weight, volume and cost. It is well recognized in the battery field that a bipolar configuration in which electrodes are staked in a pile with conductive partitions between cells would be lower in cost than conventional designs. The design is more compact, exhibits higher power capacity and would be lower in cost than conventional designs. However historic limitations of the edge seal of bipolar designs has limited its usefulness. EEI has been concentrating its efforts on development of a design that would overcome this problem. By fabricating each individual cell as a self-contained unit and sealing the perimeter of each cell they have overcome the historic problems. This design requires the an additional conductive layer between the cells but this requirement is substantially overcome by the improved reliability of the edge seals.
For energy applications (not hybrid vehicles), a family of modules ranging from 500 Whr to 2 kWh is being developed capable of delivering 62 to 70 Wh/kg and 125 to 184 Wh/l. It is anticipated that with further development these energy density figures will be improved by approximately 10%. The cost estimate for the 1 kWh module in high-volume production is approximately $300 per kWh, with a future goal of below $250 per kWh.
Stable high power performance and exceptional life can be achieved by utilizing the same design concept with thinner electrodes. In excess of 300,000 short pulse cycles have been demonstrated for the 6-ampere hour cells. They have been partially funded by the USABC to develop a battery for hybrid applications using the 6 ampere-hour cell. Their requirements call for a battery capable of 25 kW discharge power, 30 kW recharge power, with a life target of 15 years requiring 300,000, 25 Wh cycles when tested on a 72 second profile defined by USABC. EEI preliminary configuration selected to meet the USABC requirements consist contain 280 of these cells.
EPRI Martin Klein, Chairman and CEO of EEI and an internationally recognized expert in the battery, fuel cell, and energy fields, stated, "Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have been proposed by a number of scientists and engineers over time. However, a number of dynamics have shifted to raise their consideration. These factors include:
- Practical production of hybrid power trains as exemplified by the Toyota Prius,
- The increasing price of oil and the political instability of oil supply,
- The mounting evidence of global warming and initiatives to reduce green house gas emissions, and
- The development of advanced rechargeable batteries such as EEI's BP-NiMH battery."
Mr. Klein further stated, "The deployment of large numbers of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have the potential to have a revolutionary impact on the energy-economic-environmental equation, as Senator Joseph Lieberman recently made clear. CalCar's prototypes are an important step toward convincing automakers to mass-produce plug-in hybrid electric vehicles."
Senator Lieberman (D-Conn.), in a Georgetown University speech on October 7, 2005, unveiled a package of legislative proposals to reduce U.S. oil consumption and achieve a mandated 10 million barrels in oil savings in 20 years. The proposals include an aggressive strategy for promoting the use of hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. (Further information is available at http://Lieberman.senate.gov.)
In August EEI delivered one of the most powerful battery system the Company has developed to date. The system -- a 600 VDC, 35kWh, 20kW bipolar nickel metal hydride (BP NiMH) battery system -- is designed to address critical power applications such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS), motive power and similar energy storage needs. It was delivered to the Knoxville, Tenn. test facility of EPRI Solutions, Inc., where it will be tested and evaluated for utility load leveling and peak shaving efficacy.
EEI's wafer cell technology is currently being extended to Lithium-Ion chemistry. EEI and In-Q-Tel, a private, not-for-profit venture group funded by the Central Intelligence Agency, also announced today a new technology development agreement for advanced rechargeable bipolar lithium ion (BPLI) batteries. In previous work, EEI has demonstrated BPLI cells with a specific energy greater than 200 WHO/kg and an energy density greater than 400 WHO/l.
Electro Energy Inc., headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, was founded in 1992 to develop, manufacture and commercialize high-powered, rechargeable bipolar nickel-metal hydride batteries for use in a wide range of applications. EEI is also developing high power lithium rechargeable batteries utilizing the Company's proprietary design. In May, EEI announced plans to acquire significant manufacturing assets near Gainesville, Fla., by the end of 2005 to accelerate commercialization of its battery technology.
Electro Energy Inc., Danbury, CT, USA
"Electro Energy Advanced Technology to Power Hybrid Electric Vehicles for CalCars' PRIUS+ Program", Electro Eneargy press release, Oct. 20,2005
"Bipolar Nickel Metal Hydride Battery", Martin G Klein et al, Electro Energy Inc.
More blogs about batteries, hybrid cars, energy.
Keep it up EEI.
They're still a long way from USABCs goals (both short-term and long) for EV applications though - i.e. Energy density of 230/300 Wh/l and Specific energy of 150/200 Wh/kg (short tern/long term).
Anyone know why they aren't using Lithium-ion or Lithium-polymer for CalCars prototypes?
Oh, and as weird as it is to say this, props to Lieberman for actually putting plug-in HEVs out into the national political arena. It seems he's stopped his crusade against violent videogames long enough to focus on something actually important...
Posted by: JesseJenkins | October 22, 2005 at 02:49 PM
why is the stock eeei selling off?
Posted by: mike merrick | March 06, 2006 at 02:41 PM
I'm working on a green house project. I'm really interested by this Bipolar NiMH Battery for CalCars Prius+ PHEV.
thanks a lot!
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