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October 06, 2005



Cool. Thank you for this summary of wave power - very informative in a short space!


I think wave power will be a tough one to get going. The Wavegen Limpet system in Islay is rated at 500kW but it only ever produces 15kW...this pretty much bankrupted the company and it's now owned by Voith Siemens in Germany. Hopefully Ocean Power Delivery will do better in Portugal.

Big Gav

Good post as always Jim.

Another Australian wave energy company is Energetech :



Hey! I am very into the earth and the energy and i love learning new things. if you could send me an eamil regarding everything you guys find out that seems like new info please do. thanks! - FROM: YOU KNOW ME HOMIEEEE


I am concerned with the difficulties to have qualified solutions to get a flexible "Power Cable Connector " to interconnect the power cable to a wave floating system, having a long lifetime, high reliability and easy removal to allow easy system shore maintenance. I would remain very thankful to have some information about the experts in this area.

T.Sampath Kumar

wave energy can be truly harvested only if you convert the entire wave energy directly into mechanical and electrical energy. The moment you convert it into air movements energy to the tune of 1000 times is lost since movement of air does not have mass. Hence most companies operating equipments using air movement turbines can never hope to harness the true wave energy. Always beware that once you convert from one form of energy to another form the losses are heavy. For ex like using pumping systems, hydraulics etc.

Hap Happy

Dear Jim,
I am building a unique new wave power generator in Australia which could be very useful in the pacific northwest waters around Washington state.
Jim, thanks, you are doing a really good thing helping wave energy get a hearing.

I'd love to come over in a year or so to set up some robust cost effective wave power !
"Hap" Happy...Brisbane

P.S.Oceanlinx Australia has a very good unit

Hap Happy

Dear Jim,
I am building a unique new wave power generator in Australia which could be very useful in the pacific northwest waters around Washington state.
Jim, thanks, you are doing a really good thing helping wave energy get a hearing.

I'd love to come over in a year or so to set up some robust cost effective wave power !
"Hap" Happy...Brisbane

P.S.Oceanlinx Australia has a very good unit


from all experiments , the result is that floating devices are most efficient . since one talks about a underwater 20kV tr. cable ,must take in account the result over marine life if this type of wire has a defective isolation


Political opposition to wave power has emerged in northern California by Democrat superdelegate to Obama who has committed to opposing wave energy. see http://www1.pressdemocrat.com/article/20080608/NEWS/806080338


Political opposition to wave power has emerged in northern California by Democrat superdelegate to Obama who has committed to opposing wave energy. see http://www1.pressdemocrat.com/article/20080608/NEWS/806080338

Kit P

“... I asked Richardson (former secretary of energy) for, and was given, a commitment to help in our fight to protect our coast from "wave energy." Ted Kennedy, another Obama supporter, was able to stop this from happening off Cape Cod.”

Huh!! I thought Kennedy was against wind turbines but only near his big estate on the ocean.

Kenneth & Vicki Chaney

My wife and I are considering buying the Galveston Pier here in Galveston Tx. It was damaged during Hurricane IKE and will need to be repaired before opening. I am interested in using the wave action under the pier to generate power. I imagine floats around the vertical pilings that push up rods to transmit the mechanical energy to the upper deck where that can be converted to electrical energy. Have you or anyone ever heard of anything like this before? Or know of a company that provides parts for something like this?

windmill power

Political opposition to wave power has emerged in northern California by Democrat superdelegate to Obama who has committed to opposing wave energy.?

Kit P


The answer to your question is in the body of your post.

“damaged during Hurricane IKE”

Electricity is a very cheap commodity. The equipment needed to produces electricity has high capital cost. No bank or insurance company will back such a project unless it can survive long enough to pay back a the cost.

There are any number of companies that could design such equipment and take you money. Just ask Bill Gates.

power yoga pants

Great power in wind!

husky air compressor

I'm working on a green house project. I'm really interested by this Wave Power and I really would like to know if it's reliable for single housing application.
thanks a lot!
Husky air compressor
Husky air compressor tools

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