Ultracell announced a reformed methanol fuel cell (RMFC) for portable electronic devices that has "twice the energy density of lithium batteries." Their technology uses a patented reformer to generate hydrogen from a concentrated methanol solution. The polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) cell has the power density of a hydrogen fuel cell but uses liquid methanol fuel in a compact, non-pressurized container. The cell develops up to 25 watts of continuous power, weighs 40 ounces and is about the size of a paperback novel. The UltraCell25 will be available in 2006 for professional, industrial and mobile computing applications.
The complete UltraCell system includes fuel processor, fuel cell stack, control system, auxillary components and easily replaceable fuel cartridge. The control system manages a steady flow of power by adjusting pump and compressor settings. The fuel cell generates no excess water, and consequently does not need a water management system, saving size, weight and cost versus alternative micro fuel cell systems. The system uses a PEMEAS high temperature membrane assembly (MEA) in its fuel cell stack with its advantages as describe below. The system's spent fuel canisters can be instantly "hot swapped," as needed, to provide continuous power in any remote situation. A single cartridge powers an average laptop for an entire day.
From my point of view, I see three main advantages to their system:
- The use of a reformer to convert methanol to hydrogen. This permits using a very convenient, easy to store source of fuel. Methanol can be stored at atmospheric pressures rather than the high pressures required for hydrogen. By running on hydrogen rather than directly on methanol, as is done in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), the fuel stack can be smaller and more efficient.
- The PEMEAS membrane electrode assembly (MEA), with its exclusive use of polybenzimidazole for the membrane, permits high temperature operation. This membrane does not need to be hydrated which permits operating at higher temperatures, and is about half the size of DMFC stacks. The high temperature membrane stack, which can operate at temperatures between 120 C and 200 C eliminates the need for a water management system, makes cooling the fuel cell easier and eliminates the problems caused by CO impurities in hydrogen at low temperatures. CO impurities are a likely byproduct from the production of hydrogen.
- The system is less expensive because it uses one-tenth the platinum catalyst as DFMC's and has less components than a DFMC.
Ultracell does not mention future development of their fuel cells for automotive applications, but PEMEAS does.
For a explanation of how a fuel cell works see this site.
Ultracell Corporation, Livermore, CA
PEMEAS Gmbh, Frankfort, Germany
Technocrati tags: fuel cells, methanol, hydrogen
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