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September 03, 2005



Thanks for another in-depth overview, Jim. One question, you write, "Two 50 MW solar trough power plants, AndaSol-1 and 2, are being built jointly by ACS Cobra and Solar Millennium in the region of Andalucia, with a 510,120 m² solar collector field and 6 hours of molten salt storage."

By 6 hours of molten salt storage, do you mean the plant will encorporate 6 hours of storage capacity for peakshaving and backup on cloudy days? By 'molten salt' do you mean Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries? If so, this is exciting news as this technology has widespread applications in a variety of variable renewable energy sources (wind, solar, tidal etc). And 6 hours of backup for a 25 mw plant is a large amount of backup and could go a long way towards solving the unreliability problem that many variable output renewables face.


Hi, I'm looking for mor information about the plant in Saguaro. Could you help me giving me any link.
please answer to this email adress:

damiancrespi @ ono.com
(separeted for security reasons)

And... you have an error. It is Granada instead of Grenada (typing error I know).

kupula m.a

I m student , Ive got assiment to research about solar chimney power station.can u please send me infomation about the following topics concerning to the solar power station. viability, availabity ,sustainability of the technology,financial implication,impact on the rnviroment,scope for application in the south africa context and list of sources.

Mei Ann

good day!! i would like to inquire about the types of materials that can be used in solar trough? also, their features, advantages and disadvantages. And what are the reflectivities of parabolic trough? i would really appreciate your response on this.
mei ann

Don Logan

In your fourth paragraph above, there a few minor errors. SEGS I and II are located in Barstow. SEGS III though VII are at Kramer Junction and SEGS VIII and IX are at Harper Lake. SEGS IX was completed in December 1990. Hi to fellow former Luz'ers!
[email protected]

Jatin Patel

Hello Sir,
I am working on solar ice maker using CaCl2 absorber and NH3 as a refrigerent. I am confused how to fill up CaCl2 in the receiver of the Parabolic trough collector. Is there any more constituent than CaCl2 in the receiver?

Raphael Albert

Dear Sir,
I heard that parabolic troughs can operate with water/water steam as working fluid (DISS/INDITEP projects). Do you know if the receivers used for synthetic oil applications are the same ones as those used with water/water steam in a high range of pressure (100bars) ? Do you know any companies which manufacture such a receiver ? Can you give me an idea of the price/m2 of such a parabolic trough (with the receiver)? Thanks in advance.
Best regards


Dear Sir,
Hi, I'm looking for more information about glass to metal seals technology or patent.Could you help me giving me any link.
please answer to this email adress:
[email protected]


hello sir,
i would like to know whats the composition of the trough(reflector).. thank you sir..


Since the Parabolic trough is so successful at generating the heat needed to create steam through a heat transfer medium such as water/steam or oil, is anyone creating energy with a true parabolic dish operating on a gimbal or similar transiting device to follow the focus on the sun's rays? It seems that if the sun's energy can be multiplied 30-60x by the simple trough, it should be able to be multiplied at a much greater number using a true parabolic dish.. What would be the optimum curve for a parabolic dish to be productive at it's optimum. Are their lines/pipes available for the transmission of steam/water or oil that can be flexible for the facilitating of moving the medium during the dishes transit in following the sun without losing the medium. I have an interest in using such a configuration near the Salton Sea.

federico costante

Dear sir,
Im building a parabolic through in small version. I would like to have information on how can I have the best result of a glass turned into parabolic shape? I mean the mol is prepared from iron profiles shaped as the parabola but the inner side (from the center, north to south) of the mold has only one profile as a supporter of the glass while it will bent in the oven. Now, The problem is to let the glass bent perfect, what type of layer design should I use in order to have the optimum bending with out misformation?




Make a profile then draw it along long ways to mold first sand then clay over it into the correct support shape. Then bake it. Then scrape and sand it down into the perfect form to bend the glass over? Cover it with a piece of tin, real tin will not stick to the glass. Just a thought.


parabolic trough thermal power plants have succeeded since 1990s,but the LEC of solar power is still much higher than the conventional fuels.
Thanks to GEF's funds for the abundant solar resource countries to develop the ISCCS,this system that integrated fossil fuels will have advantage of price , the net solar to electricity efficiency will be 20%,which is higher than the efiiciency of "only solar" system.

Can Poyraz Sag

Hello Sir,

I am a university student and I am studying the since and engineering of materials. I would like to know what the composition of the receiver pipe is.

I apreciate your help on this subject. Thank you sir.


Thank you for these useful information.
Do you have any information about the newest sun tracking systems and collector moving systems.

Best Regards

 paul coebergh

can anyone direct me to info on the possibility of a "home" solar trough system,
or small electric plant trough systems that might be able to create competitively priced electricity


Sarge wrote:
"is anyone creating energy with a true parabolic dish operating on a gimbal or similar transiting device to follow the focus on the sun's rays?"

Here are three that I know of -- two use stirling engines for the conversion, another using PV:


 eustace nnamdi ukonu

highly interested in renewable energy.Will wlcome information and interested parties

 eustace nnamdi ukonu

highly interested parties in renewable energy and use of biofuels in the tropics

Dr. George W. Oprisko

We have a customer for up to 50Mwe of concentrating solar power, using molten salt technology for 24/7 baseload power generation into the grid.

We favor solar power towers, but will consider troughs.

We would like to hear from anyone with personal experience with Solar II, or the Mojave Parabolic Trough projects, who is competent to design and supervise construction of a plant. We offer a generous relocation package including housing and car.

We will countenance offers from component manufacturers interested in building their components here in Namibia. With our semi-skilled workers earning $100/ month, we feel that domestic production offers the advantage of greatly reduced cost.

We know that given the right cost level, Namibia will buy 600Mwe of concentrating solar power in the immediate future.

Warmest regards,

Dr. George W. Oprisko
Public Research Institute(Namibia) Pty, Ltd.


I'm a student who is seeking as much information as I can about Parabolic Trough Power Plants. Your site offers alot, but I already have most of that information! I am doing a project on the feasibility of creating a Solar Parabolic Trough Power Station in a certain location.... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanx for your time!!

Jayesh Gupta

I want to know that how much space will be neded to produce 1MW electricity using this type of power plant.


sun is the natures` gift to man with abundant heat energy and we are utilising very small portion only.> If we start to utilise the maximmum possible ways then there will not be any problem on GLOBAL WARMING.Really every nation should formulate a high level policy to encourage the people to see the possible ways in their life to have a solar equipments and every should contrbute their part to convert this energy which can be tapped without fuel.
In india there is no encouragement and want to become a solar engineer.(iam a mechanical engineer very much intrsted in non conventional energy).
+91 9443845614

T. Prabakar

Please find information on parabolic dish and trough used in solar energy collection techniques and the holy grail the Stirling motor.


Anyone any idea where I can buy reflective aluminium sheet suitable for solar concentration and cooking

I got a sample think it was used on a BP trough concentrator in Spain, but cannot find a UK supplier

Its about 0.2mm thick aluminium sheet highly reflective.



Hi Jim,

I understand there are only 4 collectors manufacturers (Solargenix, Flagsol, Solel, IST), is that right? Has there been evolution since the article was posted?

Concerning the reflectors:
Are they all using glass reflectors? Who is manufacturing and providing the reflectors?
I'm guessing other reflector materials such as aluminum could be lighter and cheaper. Why are they not used? Have there been recent evolution or are there expected changes on this reflector aspect?

Any information is welcome

Hongxi Yin

We have installed and tested a 24 kW Concentrated Trough Solar Collectors in Carnegie Mellon University and have enough experience on the system. We have some papers just published in ASME. If anyone is interested in our research here, please contact:
Dr. Hongxi Yin
[email protected]


I've just been trawling the web looking for software that allows a PC or Mac to control a heliostat. Seems to me a lot of hours will be wasted by every two bit solar developer just to work out where the sun is at any given moment.

The position of the sun must be a function of time, latitude and longitude, but it's an extremely complex function due to slight axis wobbles etc. Lightbulb idea: run a web service that accepts these params and returns the direction to the sun in a variety of formats to suit all common solar tracking device types. This is the internet era. We no longer need to invent the wheel more than once.

Sun trackers would then only need to worrry about calibration, they would have accurate sun direction data, 24/7.

Google.org? This one's right up your street.



does anyone have direct experience using a refrigerant in a concentrated solar trough collecter to drive a turbine? I'm more interested in small-scale projects.


Adam Mkwela

We are seeking designers of Solar Ice Makers using ammonia absorption technology.
Interested party please contact us.


I m student , Ive got assiment to research about solar power station.can u please send me infomation about the following topics concerning to the solar power station. latest technology,applications,companies that use solar power in south africa,financial implication,impact on the rnviroment,scope for application in the south africa context and list of sources.

Kit P

Springerville Generating Station: http://www.greenwatts.com/pages/SolarOutput.asp


I'm an engineering student and am coming up with a plan to set up a power plant based on renewable energy for my university campus. I need cost estimates for a parabolic trough based power plant and a solar dish engine based power plant each with a 3.5 MW capacity and a peak of 5 MW.
Can someone please help me in this regard?
Thank You.


I'm an engineering student and am coming up with a plan to set up a power plant based on renewable energy for my university campus. I need cost estimates for a parabolic trough based power plant and a solar dish engine based power plant each with a 3.5 MW capacity and a peak of 5 MW.
Can someone please help me in this regard?
Thank You.


Rohan, you might want to consider Ausra's compact linear fresnel reflector design instead of troughs. It's much simpler and probably more cost-effective. There have been a few posts on Ausra's design on this blog recently.

Kit P

Rohan, more info is needed concerning the energy pattern of the university and location. A 5 MWe steam plant ball park cost is $4-5M. Add $10-20M for solar collectors.


For the Ausra's design, the collector capital costs are actually a lot lower.

About 2M for a large field, not more than 3M for the small one that Rohan is looking at.


Uh, relative to size of course ;)


Hi, Thanks for the prompt replies. I read up a bit on the Ausra design, and it seems a good option. Can you suggest a comprehensive resource on the net so I can look at it in more detail?
Also, the idea is to distribute the technologies (for lack of a large empty space in the campus) over various places such as small clearings and rooftops etc. The inherent modularity of the Solar dish-engine is a definite advantage in such a scenario. How is the PV option? I've read that walmart and google have set up PVs for supplying their needs, which are similar to ours I guess. We will also explore others such as biomass, wind and then finally come up with a plan which might turn out to be a hybrid of all these.
Btw, the location is in a fairly high insolation area, 18.55N latitude (Mumbai), getting between 6-8 kWh/sqm/day throughout the year.


Amster says $3 million for a 5 MW peak capacity Ausra plant?

But Table 1 of
says Array installed cost US $3.25/Watt at SM3. So that would be $16.25 million for a 5 MW Ausra plant at SM3. While I could believe that an SM1 plant might be half that and be around $8M, I can't believe that it would be just $3M.


Reading that table again, I'm puzzled if that $3.25/W is just the collectors, and how much do they believe the steam turbine plant and the storage to cost. Seems a bit obfuscated.

Kit P

Clee, it looks like you are reading the table correctly. I do not think that the BOP and storage cost are included.

Rohan, I do not know enough about the biomass or climate of Mumbai to provide much help. Generally speaking adding a biomass or fossil fuel would improve the economics of a solar thermal plant.

Daniel T

dear sir
hello i was wondering what are the disadvantages of a solar power tower (or solar to be more general)


great site


dear sir
I'm an engineering student and am coming up with a plan to set up a solar power plant
and i want to know a place to buy a small steam turbine in kilowatts or 1mw at maximum and what will be its cost
my mail is ( [email protected] )
Thank You.

Lord Sahib III

Yes what I would like to say is that I am confused as to why Ausra is so much cheaper than existing plants. There is no difference once the steam is produced, so to make steam don't both types of trough plants need mirrors and pipes to heat the water to steam. Also if Ausra is so much cheaper why are people still building the old style trough plants? I have read that there are many many trough plants being built in Spain, Israel, and Africa. Are these Ausra plants or the old style? I have looked for more info on Ausra's operating plants but I cannot seem to find anything. Where is their largest plant that is producing electricity today? Thank you for maintaining such an excellent resource.


What size heat exchangers (let's say aluminum) are typically used in parabolic troughs to maximimize efficiency yet avoid failure and minimize cost?


HI ,



I think this website is great, but it doesn't offer the ability to print out basic info on the description of these energy solutions/technologies. I would have printed out the basic description of parabolic trough solar and included it in a letter to my congressman if a printout was available. Doing a printout for each type of technology would be helpful for educational purposes.
Rob S

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