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  • The Energy Blog is where all topics relating to The Energy Revolution are presented. Increasingly, expensive oil, coal and global warming are causing an energy revolution by requiring fossil fuels to be supplemented by alternative energy sources and by requiring changes in lifestyle. Please contact me with your comments and questions. Further Information about me can be found HERE.



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« Ethanol Production Gets a Boost | Main | Wind-Gas Hybrid Mitigates Wind Intermittency »

August 05, 2005



You can find resources and links for biodiesel from algae at Biodiesel from Algae - Info, Links

Castor, Castor Oil Online


Dear Sir,

We are discussing about various alternate energy sources to sustain the our economic growth and to improve our quality of life.

In this way, we at Neo Energy Corporation, have invented the world’s first generator, which is run by bullocks and produces energy to power small villages and communities at very negligible cost, when compared to our conventional ways. This is a novel concept of converting animal power to electricity generated from locally available materials. And this energy is clean and green with no carbon emission.

All you need is a small bullock cart, Steel Rotor, variable gear box, Fly wheel Dynamo – able to produce up to 400Watts. This power is sustainable, as the Bullocks are of local breed and can consume fodders, which are available locally. The unit can be housed in a shed with concrete floorings.

We wish to commercialise this product for the welfare of millions of people in Asia and Africa. And we look forward to technocrats and private equity firms to participate in this revolution to make this project a very successful one.

Thanks for providing this platform.


Limousine Service in Burbank

the Bullocks are of local breed and can consume fodders, which are available locally.


SMT Rail is a new Silicon Valley start up company with a patented greenest Smart mass transit system on the planet that seeking hightech VC's for the construction of a one mile prototype. www.smtrail.com

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