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June 02, 2005



"Syncrude contains 10% naphtha, 40% kerosene, 40% diesel fuel, and a 10% nitrogen rich residual."

This statement is somewhat diificult to interpret as they seem to be discussing a pre-refinery crude in terms of a post-refinery product slate. If they are referring to the product mix after distillation only, the raw product would presumably by worth as much or more than WTI (although perhaps better suited for European or Asian Diesel heavy markets). Even the best crudes available produce a much higher portion of low value fuel oil after distillation.

If, as more likely, they are referring to the product slate after a more compex refining process, then the measurement is not really relevant as the additional value inputs are hard to estimate. Would this crude slate be appropriate for existing refineries?, etc.

I think it would be more useful to try to compare the crude output to other crudes - ie apples to apples.

10/4 I am just presenting the information that is given on their web site. I beleive very similar numbers are frequently used to characterize
the content of syncrude. That said I agree that it is not an apples to apples comparison. I am not qualified to acess the costs required to process the syncrude into refined products. I recall reading that only a relatively simple refining process is required. Jim

Tim H.

The $10/bbl number sounds like total BS, even neglecting mining costs. Since heating the kerogen in a retort is not exactly new technology, it would be nice to know exactly what they got, if anything.

If Shell has tried this on an actual well, their numbers might be right. It really all depends on the recoveries.

6/4 I tend to agree, but I am just presenting their numbers. I don't know what Oil Tech has really got either, but they seem to think that the number of stages in the retort is important. Are they are using less energy by flowing the heat countercurrently to the shale flow? They also state that drying the shale is important - that keeps oxygen out of the retort and reduces the heat required in the retort, but it takes heat to dry the shale, Jim


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