I try not to focus primarily on Peak Oil, but rather on the technologies that replace oil. However because peak oil is so near, my belief that we have entered "The Energy Revolution" is reinforced by these two items, relating to peak oil, that were referenced in the Energy Bulletin today. They stand on there own without further comment.
A 'Peak' Behind the Curtain At The EIA In the blog Searching for Truth discusses "the startling disconnect that exists between the long term global oil supply and demand projections that are released each year by the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) and those that are offered by oil depletion experts such as Matthew Simmons, Kenneth Deffeyes and Colin Campbell ... The "technology assumptions" included in the EIA reference case have the the utility of permitting the very real physical and geologic constraints that threaten to curtail future oil production to be demphasized or ignored altogether." This relatively new blog has several other posts on Peak Oil which you might find worth reading.
End of the Age of Oil, part one, in AMIN (Arabic Media Internet Network) leads off with "Humanity is facing, now-a-days, the beginning of the biggest and the most severe global crisis in its history. This crisis will touch the lives of all nations and will change the course of their history. It will destroy the economies of nations, overhaul global politics, incite extreme competitions, provoke power struggles, and break out devastating wars among nations." The story goes on to suggest that the war for oil between the U.S and China. "No body has any doubt that American invasion of Afghanistan and of Iraq was for oil ... United States are not the only aggressive seeker after oil. China had recently followed suit."
Technocrati tag: peak oil